Episode 11| Nanny War

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Harper is in the living room reading, AJ rushes in.

"Hey AJ are you ok?" Harper says "can I hide in here!?" AJ says "hide from what?" Harper says "My nanny, she's crazy!" AJ says.

"I didn't know you had a nanny" Harper says "it's recent, my parents need to travel and so they thought it would be better to hire a nanny who lived in the building just to be more peace of mind, Apparently they don't trust me that much since I created a smart security system for our house that kind of backfired on us" AJ says.

"How absurd that they don't trust you!" Harper says sarcastically "I know! I was just doing my part as man of the house to protect it" AJ says.

"You're the oldest ten year old boy I've ever met" Harper says "Age is just a number when it comes to noble principles like protection which applies now with me trying to protect myself from my nanny" AJ says.

"Your nanny can't be that bad" Harper says "She's not bad, She just doesn't understand me she treats me like a stupid baby when in reality she's the one who has a brain the size of an olive!" AJ says, Harper laughs.

"The girl doesn't even know the difference between left and right! Seriously she in traffic is a danger" AJ says "I see, but I know people who don't know too, must be more common than you think" Harper says.

"But I don't have the patience for this" AJ says "Chase's in mission command you can go spend time with him, she won't find you there" Harper says "thanks!" AJ says going towards the HyperLift.

"Oh and relax I'll help you with the smart security system, it will even keep your nanny away" Harper clicks her tongue "really!? You're amazing!" AJ says, Harper smiles.

"Am I?" Harper says "uh yeah!" AJ says, Harper smiles proudly, they hear a knock on the door.

"That's her!" AJ says "okay let me get rid of her" Harper gets up "Okay!" AJ runs to the mission command,the HyperLift closes.

Harper goes to the door and opens it, revealing Grace "Grace!?" Harper says "Oh my god, Harper!" Grace smiles excitedly

"Oh! That explains a lot!" Harper says, Grace is still smiling super excited.


Olivia Holt as Grace Harrington

Just to remind you in case you don't remember her from Lab Rats - the untold story (PART 3) Episode 12| A touch of bionic style

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Just to remind you in case you don't remember her from Lab Rats - the untold story (PART 3) Episode 12| A touch of bionic style

Harper and Grace are at the door "Grace!?" Harper asks again "Harper it's good to see you,look at You! You finally wearing women's clothes!" Grace says walking in "yeah, that's her!" Harper says frustrated.

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