Episode 9| Knowing your own story

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Chase over the HyperLift and sees Oliver on the couch with the computer "hey Oliver!" Chase says "Nothing!" Oliver closes the laptop, Chase frowns.

"what are you doing?" Chase ask "nothing related to Skylar if that's what you're thinking!" Oliver says "Now that's what I'm thinking it is!" Chase says, Oliver sighs and stands up.

"I just...Okay I wrote her a song" Oliver says "a song!?" Chase says "yeah, don't judge me, don't even tell her" Oliver says, Chase smiles.

"relax" Chase says "I know it's cheesy but..""I get it" Chase says "do you?" Oliver says.

"sure, love makes us do cheesy things...I'd even say that's part of the fun" Chase says "Yeah... maybe so" Oliver says.

"but I don't think that kind of thing will help you with Skylar, it might be too much" Chase says "Oh yeah!? And what do you know about that!?" Oliver says "oh believe me, more than you think!" Chase gives a light laugh.

"Since you mentioned, I'm curious, You and Harper, how did it happen? What is your story?...Did she choose to date you on her own or...?" Oliver ask, Chase makes a straight face.

"Of course she dates me on her own why does everyone ask that!?" Chase says, Oliver shrugs.

"how did you two meet?" Oliver ask "well she was sent to kill me!" Chase says "I see she did a terrible job" Oliver says.

"she didn't accomplish her mission
she set me free" Chase says "Oh so Did she already like you?" Oliver ask "uh...I don't think so, I must have fallen in love first....At least that's what I always thought" Chase thinks.

"So You fell in love with the girl who tried to kill you?" Oliver ask "No, with the girl she really is" Chase smiles.

"By the way, where's Harper?" Oliver says "she and Kaz went to get parts at Mr Davenport's base downtown" Chase says.

"Harper and Kaz? Are you sure it's safe...for Kaz in case" Oliver says "Amazingly Harper is learning to just be verbally aggressive with him" Chase laughs.

"What filter enhances my eyes so I can edit the video for Skylar?" Oliver ask showing Chase the laptop, he frowns, they hear a knock on the door.

"Great someone came to save me from this" Chase goes to the door, Bree and Skylar go downstairs.

Chase opens the door and sees a boy with a backpack and a cell phone in his hand "Hey, how can I help you?" Chase ask "uh...I'm looking for Harper, does she live here?" the boy asks.

"Yeah, she's out, she'll be back in a while, But sorry, who are you?" Chase ask "oh yeah, well, my name is Finn and I'm sort of... her brother" Finn says,"What!?" Chase asks scared "what?" Bree to Chase, he looks at her confused.


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