Episode 12| They Grow So Fast

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All enter the penthouse, in their mission suits.

"well, congratulations, guys, that was our tenth mission this week" Chase says "Only ten? It feels more like a hundred. Using superpowers
really takes it out of you, My whole body's sore" Oliver says sitting on the couch.

"Yeah, mine too" Kaz sits and groans in pain "Oh, it hurts more to sit!" Kaz says "Thank you for depressing me super seniors!" Harper says.

"OK, you guys haven't even had your powers that long, and you're already complaining" Skylar says.

"Yeah, um, I have been running hundreds of miles an hour since I was a baby. Don't you talk to me about sore until you have bionic blisters" Bree says taking off their shoes, everyone makes a horror face "Rookies" Bree says "Never wear sandals!" Harper says, Bree shakes her head she leaves.

"Man, if we feel this bad now, what's gonna happen when we get older?" Oliver says, Skylar sits next to him "I don't know. Ooh! But I can show you what we'll look like" Kaz says.

"Really? How?" Harper says "Yeah, I have this app that ages photos" Kaz says he takes a picture of Oliver "That is you at 80" Kaz shows the photo of an aged Oliver "Ugh!" Oliver says, Skylar chuckles.

"Cute mustache" Skylar says "Mustache?Yeah, that's all nose hair" Kaz says "Time will be cruel to you son" Harper says laughing.

"Guys, why are you so freaked out about growing older, anyway? It's just a part of life, Personally, I am looking forward to aging gracefully" Chase says "Oh, really?" Kaz takes a picture of Chase.

"'Cause this is you" Kaz shows the photo "So? Big deal. That's what everybody looks like when
they're 80" Chase chuckles.

"Dude, that's you at 40" Kaz says "What! Gimme!" Chase takes out
the phone, Harper looks at the picture again "Uh...an advance notice...if we happen to be married by then, I'm going to want a divorce" Harper says sarcastically, Chase glares at her.

"oh yeah!? Well, let's see how you are by then!" Chase takes a picture of Harper, they look at the picture, Chase makes a frustrated face.

"so How is she going to look like her?" Kaz ask "Perfect!"Chase says irritated, Harper smiles Kaz laughs too "Yeah. You're gonna need a new phone
'cause this one just broke" Chase says annoyed and leaves.


Oliver and Kaz are lying on the couch with ice packs, both groaning, Skylar and Harper walk down the stairs.

"Just so you know, nothing about this picture says "superhero."" Skylar says
"Just superlosers!" Harper says.

"you're part machine you must have forgotten how it hurts to be human" Oliver says "that's not how being bionic works" Harper says.

Bree walks in "Hey, guys. Guess what? Tasha and my baby sister are coming to visit" Bree says.

"Yey I miss Tasha...and the sugar free raisin cookies she makes!" Harper smiles "she sucks in the kitchen" Bree says "But not for me!" Harper says irritably.

"Oh, great! We finally get to meet the woman that has to spend every waking moment with Mr. Davenport. Never mind us. She's the real hero" Kaz says.

Chase walks out of the HyperLift looking tired "Where have you been?" Bree says "Fighting Father Time" Chase says "you lost apparently" Harper smirk.

"Have you seen what I look like on Kaz's app? I'm trying to create a device to reverse the aging process. I've been up all night splitting molecules and splicing DNA" Chase says.

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