Episode 8| The Rock

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The Elite Force and AJ walk into the penthouse.

"I love that movie. I've seen it five times! Oh, I hope I didn't ruin the ending for you guys" AJ says "No. You had already ruined the beginning and the middle so I didn't really care about the end" Kaz says.

"So uh, what do you guys wanna
do now?" AJ says "Hey, um, why don't you stay right here while we go have a quick little team meeting out on the terrace?" Bree says "Okay" AJ "Okay" Bree says.

They go out to the terrace "Chase, Harper. Look, I know you told AJ he could hang out with us, but this is getting ridiculous. He never leaves!" Bree says "oh stop!" Harper says.

"Yeah. This morning I came downfor a bowl of cereal and he poured my milk, which was nice, but kinda creepy" Oliver says.

"That's creepy? This morning you offered to be the milk in my cereal" Skylar says "That's not..I didn't...offer still stands" Oliver says.

"You guys are overreacting, I enjoy his company here" Harper says "yeah and the only reason that AJ's been hanging around so much is 'cause he doesn't have any friends" Chase says.

"Ah, so he's a mini you. Got it!" Kaz says "Oh! I knew he reminded me of someone" Harper says grabbing Chase's shoulders from behind he gives her a light chuckle.

"Look, it's nice that you're looking out for him, but we just need a little bit space" Bree says "Yeah, and not to mention it's really risky. I mean we have to keep our superhero status a secret" Kaz says, Harper chuckles.

"Analyzing the facts I don't doubt that he already knows!" Harper smirk "Why do you think that!?" Oliver says "Oh come on! You think I'm stupid for imagining that you two idiots know how to keep a secret!" Harper says pointing to Kaz and

"It's still risky" Skylar says,Harper sighs and Chase puts a hand on her shoulder "Okay. We get it. I'll go break his heart and tell him he can't hang around us as much" Chase says they walk back inside.

"Hey, great cookies. Got anything to, uh, wet my whistle?" AJ says "Oliver can be your milk" Skylar says.

"Uh, look AJ. We should talk. There's been some concern" Chase says "Just for the record it's not mine!" Harper says.

"yeah...a concern mostly from the others, about you being around so much" Chase says "yeah, I get it" AJ says He gets up from the couch "You do?" Chase ask.

"Yeah. They're afraid I'm gonna find out they're superheroes" AJ says "Woah, what?" Oliver says "Us?" Skylar says "That's...that's crazy" Kaz says "Ha! Told ya!" Harper says.

"No, we're bionic!" Oliver says "No you're not. She's an alien and you two touched the Arcturion space rock" AJ says "He knows too much. Light up your fire hand, we gotta take him out" Oliver says.

Bree holds Kaz back "No!" Bree says "You're right. We don't wanna make a
mess. Better freeze this punk!" Oliver says, Skylar hits Oliver's hand down.

"Hey stay away from him you bunch of freaks!" Harper pulls AJ behind her "yeah calm down!" Chase says.

"yeah, how you guys are attracted to the thought of hurting AJ, I mean look at his little face, he's so cute!"Harper crouches down to AJ's height, he frowns "Harper, will you stop having cuteness fits for him!?" Chase says "Sorry!" Harper stands up.

"How did you know we were superheroes?" Skylar says.

"It's my fault. I'm just way too heroic looking to pass for normal" Kaz says "I think it's very heroic that you have the nerve to say something ridiculous like that" Harper says.

"I've known your secret for weeks" AJ says "Okay, I don't like this. Who knows what else is inside that little cat toy sized head of his?" Oliver says "If AJ tells the public that superheroes exist, it'll cause hysteria. Not to mention we'll be under a microscope, which will make tracking Roman and Riker even harder" Skylar says.

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