Chapter 18

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"I don't get paid, I will send your boy back in pieces" the professor spat into the telephone playing his part in the training exercise used in their Atypical combat skills "I will do a Van Gogh on him" he continued as Saya and Aurelia crept through the window silently "You can avoid that, all you gotta do is pay me" Maria had followed creeping through the window dressed in her signature skeleton dress and makeup, with Marcus close on her heels "Just a go of the green, and save Chad from my mean machine, you hear me"

Marcus had promptly fallen through the window altering the 'kidnapper' to their presence "Come to have the fun sweet pickles?" the professor asked as he placed the phone back on the receiver "Oh sweet pickles I'm gonna have you on a sandwich pie"

Maria and Saya immediately flew at him being the victims of their professors fists as he pushed them to the floor, Saya being unceremoniously thrown at a table which immediately broke as Aurelia watched sighing at her friends antics before Marcus flew into the fray quickly grabbing the phone that had been used as a prop to try and strangle the opponent as Aurelia walked calmly towards them. Pinching closed both the professors mouth and nose as he struggled in Marcus' grip until he tapped out coughing violently

"Class you just witnessed, sometimes you gotta fight with bare hands" he began still breathing heavily "I'm the guru of white karate, scoop, scam, wham blam, sometimes you got to improvise"

"You are twice our size" Saya pointed out blatant dislike dripping from her words

Master Zane ignore her launching into a spiel about how Atypical Combat could save your life "Now you two are losers" he said pointing towards Saya and Maria

"Well his swan dive kinda fucked up our entrance" Saya argued

"She has a point" Aurelia offered

Zane sighed "Nothing ever happens according to plan, no, this kid he still nailed it with the, skimmy scam, slam dam" he laughed as Saya, Maria and Aurelia just watched unamused "Oh and you there, just watching from the edge and coming to help when the job was done, I like you" It was safe to say Aurelia definitely didn't like him as her lip curled in dislike before leaving with Saya and Maria

A While later

"They can think what they want, I know they all call me a bitch" Saya said as the girls walked down the street

"You are a bitch, be proud of that" Maria reassured

"People who proudly apply labels like asshole or bitch don't know they're own strength they're just ugly people looking for an excuse to lean into their unpleasant nature" Aurelia added

Maria sighed playing with the skirt on her red dress she had put on for the dance "Well they all think I'm crazy"

"Everyone thinks what they want, nothing you can do about it" Saya admitted her black shirt and skirt contrasting Maria's red dress

"I don't care what they say, I just wish it wasn't true" Maria paused

Aurelia whirled around coming to a stop "You're not crazy"

"I just want to be normal" Maria said wistfully

"Fuck that" Saya rolled her eyes "Normal's death"

"But what's more normal than bragging about how normal you are" Maria pointed out as the girls laughed together sadly "Maybe we should have what we can't have, me, in my heart, I would love to own a house like this" She said gazing up at the small house they had stopped outside of "filled with books, ninos running around, music in the air"

"Enjoy that bullshit" Saya interjected "I'm gonna party forever all over the world" seeing Maria's face she quickly added "But I would like to come and visit"

"Oh yeah party queen of the world" Maria laughed taking Saya's arm

"Mhm" Saya agreed "What about you Aurelia, what would you like to do?"

"I'd like to have a family, to find someone I can spend the rest of my life with" Aurelia answered truthfully wrapping her leather jacket around her tighter, the bottom of her black mini dress blowing in the wind slightly

"You better visit both of us then Saya" Maria joked as they pushed open the door of the convenience store

Saya of course went to the bottles of wine while Aurelia fetched a pack of cigarettes taking out her lighter from her pocket as she watched Maria and Saya decide on a bottle lighting it carefully before sticking it in her mouth

"Excuse me Sir do you think this goes with salmon" Maria asked the store keeper as she set the bottle down on the counter

"Strawberry wine, goes with drunk" he replied flipping through his magazine "How old are you sweetheart?"

"Twenty five" Maria replied innocently handing him her ID as she watched Saya out of the corner of her eye as she snuck through the aisles Aurelia close behind her

The store keeper snorted "If you're twenty five I'm Christen Brinkley" He said handing her back her ID as Saya knocked a bottle off the shelf at the door "You're doing this in the wrong establishment" the store keeper said taking out a gun as he trained it on Saya "put it down now" he said indicating to the bottle Saya was holding

"Geez Mister I brought this from home" she replied before Maria twisted his arm taking the gun and Aurelia kicked a jar full of pickled eggs at his face before they ran out in fits of giggles "Go" Saya yelled as they ran from the store

Meanwhile with Marcus

Marcus had been writing in his journal his mind jumbled mulling over Denke's words to him before Willie burst in through the door

"Killer study hall yo" Willie began as he walked towards Marcus "Got this new kid Icarus business, bout to be some hard ass shit"

Marcus shrugged "Now you can talk to me?"

"You still tripping on that little two step in the hall, nothing I can do about hazing week" he said as he bent down to inspect something

"Hmm" Marcus mocked "Can't defy tradition"

"Exactly" Wille said as he dumped his stuff on the bed

"Witch hunts, slavery, Colombus day" Marcus listed sarcastically

"What's wrong with Colombus day?" Willie asked pausing

"I've done a lot of reading" Marcus persisted "You know I don't have a legacy to fall back on"

"Can't help what I was born into" Willie offered

"Look, I-I can't be friends with someone who's ashamed of me, not after what I did for you" Marcus accused Willie

Willie stopped and looked up "Keep your mouth shut about that man"

"What" Marcus probed "you're gonna pacifist the shit out of me"

Willie huffed before picking up his bag and leaving slamming to door behind him

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