Chapter 20

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A/N - This chapter is dedicated to @hangukinganI still need to know what your new account is called but thanks for always being so enthusiastic about my book, like seriously, you're very enthusiastic and so in honour of you I present tension

The group walked down the stairs following Marcus as he lead them to the Poison lab stopping at a workbench before picking up a vial and tapping his fingers against it "Mellow yellow"

Aurelia grinned realising his plan as he began to dip the darts that he had previously stolen from the blow dart workshop into the hallucinogenic, taking a couple of darts from his hand before dipping them into the liquid as well

Marcus smiled at Aurelia watching her as she carefully dipped the darts into the liquid, Aurelia felt eyes watching her as she went about the task titling her head up before her eyes clashed with Marcus' as she felt her resolve weaken as she held his gaze before dropping her eyes her head a mess and her emotions unreadable before handing each member of their group a handful of blow darts

"Hang on you guys wait here for a second" Aurelia announced before she sped down the corridors to a cupboard opening it and taking out a bundle of monk's robes and running nimbly back "For stealth" she proclaimed as she threw one at Billy which immediately hit him in the face

"Oi" Billy complained as he felt the robes hit him

Aurelia just shot him a glance before chucking the other robes at Lex and Petra handing the last one to Marcus as she began to don her own

"Hey no fair" Billy complained again "How come he gets handed his while I get attacked by mine?" he said pointing an accusing finger at Marcus

"I'm just special" Marcus shot back sticking his tongue out at Billy childishly

Aurelia sighed as she adjusted her robes "Maybe I should have chucked it at you" she murmured under her breath as Billy, Petra and Lex walked out of the classroom

Marcus bent down next to her ear his lips grazing it lightly "I heard that" he whispered as Aurelia blushed lightly hiding her face as she turned away

"Bloody boy" Aurelia cursed willing her face to turn back to it's pale tone

"Mind your language Lia" Marcus teased from next to her spying the blush that had spread across her cheeks

Aurelia crossed her arms glaring at the boy before following the others out of the classroom Marcus trailing behind her, they crept into the ballroom quietly taking stances spread across the room before Marcus shot the first one at Viktor

"Baba Yaga, she eats my loins" Viktor screeched as he fell to the floor

Lex marched up to the stage stealing the microphone "Ladies and Gents, mellow yellow" he laughed as more legacies started to drop the party was thrown into pandemonium

Brandy tried to run away but was stopped by a hooded Petra who headbutted her as she fell to the floor before shooting her with a dart as she began to screech

Meanwhile Chico had spotted Marcus from across the dancefloor as he shook is friend trying to wake him up before quickly rushing towards him pushing him back into a table from which Marcus picked up a tray as he tried to hit Chico with to which Chico responded with a punch throwing him to the floor before being stopped by Willie as Aurelia also ran over picking Marcus up off the floor and checking his face worriedly

"I'm fine" Marcus said grabbing her hand that had been holding his face to which Aurelia just nodded her brow still creased with worry before turning to Chico

Willie pushed Chico back "Step off"

"You want a taste bitch" Chico threatened Willie

"Bounce" Willie said to Marcus as he took his toothpick out of his mouth

Marcus scoffed "And miss the disco"

Chico advanced on Willie before slapping him. Hard.

"Chico" Master Lin shouted as he brought Chico to his knees with his cane the monks surrounding the small group "this dance is over, everybody return to their rooms"

A little while later

"Man guard your left, your left" Willie said as he beamed toothily playing a video game with Marcus

"I really appreciate what you did tonight" Marcus thanked Willie "Thanks for having my back"

"I was thinking on what you said earlier" Willie admitted

"Which part?" Marcus questioned grinning "I say so many smart things"

Willie rolled his eyes "About patriotism, and it wasn't so smart"

"Mm, you must have misunderstood it" he shrugged

"You said patriotism was about self-interest" Willie continued "We're black and white we're kind of different kinds, If I went into government, they'd never have loyalty for nothing, it's about community, it's about taking care of your people"

Marcus was quiet "You said I'm your people"

Willie turned to Marcus "Not if you can't guard your left" he joked as Marcus cracked a smile "Come on Arguello carry your weight"

Meanwhile with Aurelia

Aurelia had snuck out of her dorm as soon as possible her mind on the Scorpio Slasher's words earlier that day, she would get justice for those three girls, just, her way

Aurelia kept to the shadows as she navigated the alleys and streets of San Francisco eventually stopping at the address that the Slasher had give her previously before analysing the apartment block for the correct flat then scaling her way up the fifth floor dangling perilously off the wall, not caring for the numerous security cameras that had her in their vision, she'd just deal with that later.

She forced open the window quietly with one of her blades before softly dropping into the flat. She wrinkled a dank odour seemed to be emitting from the dump that this man called home the sooner she could get out, the better.

She could hear the snoring of a man coming from down the short hallway as she advanced whistling eerily as she walked her boots audibly clicking against the wooden floorboard as she opened the door revealing a slightly balding man tucked into his blankets comfortably while snoring

Aurelia sneered at the sight, this man did not deserve these comforts in fact, this man did not deserve to live she thought as she held her blade to his neck. The man's eyes flew open wide as he took in the sight in front of him "Ple-" he started to say not getting to finish as she made a small slit in his neck, just enough for him to bleed out slowly but not enough for him to die immediately.

"Perfect" she smiled psychopathically as she then brought out what looked like a small saw and started to hack his leg of but not before stuffy a bunch of cloth in his mouth to muffle his screams before moving onto his other leg and arms removing them carefully before carving a word into his chest, rapist, as he finally bled out.

Carefully she packed all the ligaments that she had sawed off into individual packages mailing them to different newsagents "This should definitely make the newspapers now" she murmured to herself before leaving through the window where she came balancing the packages with one hand while lowering herself down, she dropped the packages off a separate newspapers leaving them sitting on the doorstep as she hummed do herself the crazy gleam in her eye never quite leaving even as she made her way back to King's Dominion, of course carrying with her a small bottle of ashes in a new box that she had been meaning to buy for a while now.

There was now space for more bottles to be kept

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