St. Clare School

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Sister Teresa held a PTA meeting for parents to know what's up with the school and the school year's happenings and schedules for events or the upcoming elections for parent officers in charge of every section in high school.

I am so happy to see moms and dads who care for their kids as much as their families that statuses doesn't really matter at this stage. I applaud every parent who in spite of their poverty or lack of resources they manage to come to the meeting or share money for projects or stuff we needed to buy for class rooms needs like fans, cleaning materials and etc.

It saddens me though that in Favela children are really poor and like other third world countries majority of the learners parents who study In our community school are low income earners and suffer depression or malnutrition. We sisters of St. Clares help the families and children, mostly the parents for their mental, physical and emotional health if not their financial status in life.

Sister Beatrice made sure that the kids in our school will be provided with every need, from books, uniforms, snacks to allowances since most of the parents these learners come home to are if not jobless, are by standers, addicts or drunkards. But some parents out of the ghettos are good providers, yet they too suffer anxieties from thinking how they can support their families when job in Favela and nearby towns are scarce these days.

So in order for the sisters of St. Clares help, is to teach the parents how to plant and raise cattle so they can be trained on these jobs for future opportunities available outside of the town like the markets, inns and farms who needs workers and maids in the city.

We were able to train the parents, especially the moms who wanted to earn extra since as a home maker they sometimes lose time and money just staying at home rearing their younger kids without income. So our community made sure to help them and even if at home they can croquet or sew rags for sale. Some mommies also thought of selling iced coffee or candied ice using artificial colorings for the kids who love the cold due to the excessive heats we experience during summer season in Brazil.

This is what we can only do for now, for our benefactors including Commander Fonsi provides financial aid, yet not all the time since they too have other communities or organizations that they need to help aside from us and our, parents and kids welfare.

Ahhhh, as the head of the community I want to give up sometimes! But if I do that what will happen to the kids we help every day and the families who trust us that they will be able to learn and get a job after we have trained them from our Social Welfare and Job Training programs. Haaa, well, Beca, Beatrice, God will provide and everything will be alright, so don't worry!, I thought and sighed smiling at the hanged crucifix in front of me that I was praying at the moment.

Teresa told about her family and how her mom worked jobs to sustain their income along with her three siblings. Anita, was her name, if I'm not mistaken, helped in the school as a librarian and while caring for her baby, she also tended to her other children and Teresa would help her out by checking on her little brother and sister. One time she mentioned that her sister got lost in the school and she kept looking going crazy with the thought that some stranger picked her up or kidnap her to be sold as a sex slave or adopted child for a wealthy couple which was rampant those days. Some would even sell kids for their innards and body parts, haaaa, when I heard this I flipped out and told her to stop scaring me. But that was her life story that compared to mine, is a totally different experience all together. Thinking that I am luckier to have parents who supported me all through-out my childhood to my college days. Haaa.....I hugged Teresa and cried for what she experienced that pushing me away and feeling sorry for herself wasn't the type of person she is, so she scolded me. Bitch, don't get me wrong, I'm fine and I grew up strong and unafraid of nothing due to my struggles and trials in life, Teresa added, smiling while tears gushed down from her eyes and scraped them off when I smiled back at her.

So, that day, I promised to myself that I will be and do, everything for them as long as I can, to help the community and be one of the Shadow Sisters along with Teresa, Paula, Chelsea, Jona, Zelda, Fern. We will make a difference and the world will never be the same again with us in it. You bet on it!

I didn't realize that life is just like a game where after Level 1, we need to immediately go to Level 2 and so on, so that we will be able to fulfill what we are destined to do, to be in this life. Going to the next level sometimes can be hard or easy, or sometimes it can be tricky and disappointing, losing points to some setback or error, or gaining more points for unknown cause or just getting lucky that day. for the part as a Shadow Sister isn't easy and as a writer, taekwondo black belter and boxer, meditation isn't my cup of tea. I can do yoga but not as long as an hour or more. We need to meditate so we can focus and use our minds for teleportation and be able to come back and not lose sight on our purpose and mission. It's the hardest thing I have ever done but I'm not giving up just like that, never!

We are like dark ninjas who are so swift that the naked eye wouldn't notice and beautiful butterflies so light and powerful, we fly, jump, disappear, summon nature or supernatural powers and be invisible when we need to for the sake of protecting our selves from danger and our enemies and for helping those who can't help themselves or protect their love ones in need or in trouble.

I didn't think that we battle spirits and evil that we can't really see or feel, but though they're unseen, we can sense and experience them in our lives, like sickness, accidents, death misfortunes or temptations.

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