Chapter 8

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Adina's POV

It had been a few days, and my mom and I were back home. She was still in pain, but she felt better than she did before. However, my dad was still in the hospital, and it was confirmed that he did indeed have a heart attack; he was now being treated for that.

Honestly, it broke both my mother's and my heart to hear that. Even though he caused us so much pain physically, emotionally, and mentally, he's still my father, you know?

All the images of what happened that night flashed through my head, especially when I was sleeping. But I was used to that since my father had those angry breakouts pretty frequently. The nightmares and flashbacks usually died down after a week or so. I'd recover from it.

Overall, I, on the other hand, had been fine physically. That bruise around my neck was starting to fade away.

After we came back home, Deshaun helped us clean up the entire place because it was trashed like crazy due to my dad. Thank the lord for that kind man. Even while he was going through what he was going through with his own mother, he was still kind enough to come and help us out. God knows I wouldn't have been able to do it that quickly by myself, as my mother is still weak from her injuries.

As I came out of the bathroom, I heard a few knocks on the front door. It may be Deshaun checking up on us, or maybe even Marshall. I hadn't seen or heard from him, and neither had Deshaun. I'd been thinking about Marshall quite a lot, and I wished to give him thanks for being at the hospital with me. I hoped he was alright.

I unlocked the front door to reveal Debbie.

Oh! It's Marshall's mother. She held a container of what looked like some type of food.

"What's going on, Adina? How are you, honey?" She asked with a heartfelt tone.

"What's up Debbie, everything is going aight. Thanks for stopping by."

"Of course. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I'm so very sorry about what happened to your mother and father."

"It's okay. They both got through it." I flashed a tight-lipped smile.

"I thought it would be fine to bake you some cookies. I hope they taste alright." She handed me the plastic container.

"Oh! I appreciate it. You really ain't have to, Debbie."

"No worries at all, kid."

I had a brief internal war of words with myself in my head on whether or not I should ask her about Marshall... I mean, it's her son... it wouldn't be too weird, right?

"..Uhm... so. Have you heard from Marshall at all?" I asked.

"Mmm... no, I haven't actually. He may be at Kim's house if he hasn't come to mine in this long." She frowned.

"Who is Kim?"

"His little girlfriend or whatever the hell they are." She slightly rolled her eyes. I wondered why she seemed bothered by it.

I felt a slight sharp ping in my chest when she said 'girlfriend'... I don't know why. It shouldn't matter to me at all... that's his girlfriend, and he can have a girlfriend. He's his own person, so it doesn't matter. So what? We're just friends. Right? I've got too much going on to develop any feelings... I don't even think he's boyfriend material anyway. So whatever.

"Ahh, okay. Maybe he'll come around sometime." I shrugged nonchalantly.

"Oh, I promise he will, haha.... Anyway, I hope you enjoy the cookies, Adina."

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