Chapter 36

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Marshall's POV

As I'm washing dishes, I notice two cars pulling up in Deshaun's driveway through the window that's in the kitchen.

Immediately, I recognized Kim's car... but the other one? I'm not too sure on who the hell that is. It looks familiar but... I can't think of who it really is. Nor can I see inside the car too easily.

But Kim better not come over here wit some bullshit... especially at Deshaun's, dawg.

I dropped the half cleaned plate back into the sink before drying my hands off on my clothes as I ran towards the front door before unlocking and opening it.

As I do, I get met with Kim looking pissed as she sounded mad with another girl which who odly looks like Adina...

"The hell is you doin here, Kim?" Her voice sounded just like Adina's too...

....Fuck.. dawg.. shes here to talk to Deshaun and I know she is... you know...about Mama P.

And I know Deshaun would be beyond dismayed by Kim bringing her shit around here when this news is finna be revealed.

God damn it.

"Yo!" I ran outside—Adina looking surprised that I'm here but I ignore it. "Dawg, you gotta go." I tried pushing Kim.

"Hell no! Now you wanna introduce this bitch to your friends and shit?!" Kim ignorantly shouted.


"The hell is you talkin about? Adina and Deshaun knew eachother before Deshaun and I even met...that's besides the fuckin' point though! You makin' a big deal outta nothin' can't be over here causin' this shit at Deshaun's house when he's dealin' wit what he's dealin' wit." I semi yelled.

"What's Deshaun dealin' wit??" Adina asked cautiously behind me making me turn my
Head around.

I was gonna answer her....but I peeped Angelo sittin in the drivers seat of his car... He obviously looked like he ain't wanna see me either.. fuckin dickhead.

.... Is Adina fuckin' serious though??.. she's still gettin' rides from this fake ass mothafucka.

I can tell Adina could see that I saw Angelo as her face looked worried.

I wanna tell that mothafuckas ass off so damn bad right now... but I can't start some shit when I'm tryna end some shit.. now is not the time..

"You—..." I took a deep breath tryna calm my anger. "Look, just— just fuckin' go inside aight?" My voice sounded a lot more aggressive than I thought it would as I spoke to Adina... I'm just fuckin' pissed.

Adina told motioned Angelo to leave before she complied—going inside as I watched her walk the entire time.

I took attention to Kim once again.

As I turn my head around, Kim's hand slapped across my face leaving a stinging sensation behind on my skin.

"Yo! What the hell?!"

"Why the fuck were you looking at her like that, Marshall?!"

"Kim, you gotta stop puttin' ya fuckin' hands on me, aight?!"

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