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The gates squealed as Leon forced it closed, slamming it shut before grabbing the metal bar that acted as a mini barricade and sliding it to the left.

The zombies slammed themselves into the gates, letting out gurgles and raspy groans, pushing themselves harder into the gate. Some hands reached out for the scrumptious man, waving their rotten hands around, their chipped nails trying to dig into any type of flesh they could get to.

Taking a couple of steps back before turning around, noticing you already a few steps ahead of him, waiting at the door impatiently.

Walking up a couple of the steps, Leon readied himself, holding the gun firmly near his shoulder, while his other hand reached for the door.

If anyone was gonna get bitten by someone, either that be a toddler or the undead, it sure as hell wouldn't be you.

The door creaked, showing a rather normal inside, no blood stains, no zombies trying to take a bite out of your cake and certainly no guy beating his meat to an ASMR.

You looked towards Leon as he went up to the open laptop, "yo, put my little pony on, the last episode is tonight, and like hell am I gonna miss it." You bent your back slightly to get a better look at the laptop while putting a cold palm onto Leon's shoulder.

Leon let out a humoured chuckle "funny." His fingers worked on the keyboard before it showed live footage of the security cameras.

"There has to be someone here.." he let out a small sigh, while mostly talking to himself.

"I don't know, Looks pretty deserted to m–" you were cut off by the flashing of gunshots, as well as the noise of the gun through the camera.

Seeing a guy backing away from a zombie, that slowly limped towards him as if it was some person getting out of a club all drunk while looking for their shoes.

As soon as the random officer was out of the camera view you were currently looking at Leon was quick to change it.

The officer looked up at the camera, still walking backwards from the zombie, "David! Marvin! Are you there?" He shot a few more bullets, some missing while others didn't hit the zombie in the right place to effectively kill it.

"I found a way out–" he stopped for a split second, pulling a small book out, showing it up to the camera before continuing his sentence "it's in this!" He quickly put it away after noticing the zombie creeping closer and closer.

As soon as the zombie got too close, the officer used both of his arms to push the zombie away, while also making sure not to get bitten again, shooting one last bullet before saying another sentence to the camera.

"Go to the east hallway!" Was the last words before the guy bolted away from the still moving zombie.

"I have to find that guy" he looked at the map, the east hallway blinking a red.

You raised an eyebrow, your lips going in a tight, thin straight line "don't you mean 'we' gotta find that guy" you wandered around grabbing the first aid spray you noticed while walking in here while tossing the box of ammo to Leon, who fumbled before steadying the box, somehow not spilling any of the bullets.

Shaking his head, Leon pocketed the bullets before walking over to the green crate, looking inside of it before grabbing the only contents that laid inside, a single knife.

"No, I mean 'I'  have to find him, it'd be best if you stay here." he said while looking at the map one last time.

"I thought we had something." You leaned on the closest thing.

He sighed probably being already done with your bullshit, before shrugging continuing up the short amount of stairs.. the opposite direction of where he was supposed to be going.

You nodded with your arms crossed, no longer leaning on the counter that you found the ammo on.

"Yeah, anways, I'll start listening to you when you know which direction you're going in." Your voice held a high level of smugness as Leon stopped near the portable beds.

His head lagged down before nodding sluggishly.


He turned around, walking up to you before passing you, getting closer towards the shutters that read 'KEEP OUT' in all caps, so you know to actually keep out.

Leon looked at the switch before pushing it down.

The shutters squeaked before slowly lifting up. Only problem being it didn't go up all the way, or even half.

It stopped just enough for the both of you to belly crawl through.

Like the gentleman with no hoes or maidens nor social skills Leon is, he Insisted he'd go first and make sure the coast was clear.

You were gonna make him do that anyways, but glad he offered, you didn't want to look like a dick- that's a lie, that was your whole life mission, to look like an actual scumbag.

Nodding your head towards him as he got on his hands and knees before getting lower, sticking his head in, going a little bit farther, where the shutters blocked off everything besides his lower back, legs and.. oh dear lawd.

Like any normal person would. You whipped out your camera that had been dangling and swinging from your neck, pulling it up to eye level before snapping a quick picture of his butt.

"Family heir look, fr" you mumbled to yourself, ignoring the bright flash of the camera, well you didn't mind it, but the other person did.

Leon's body shifted slightly, pulling out the flashlight before flashing everything.. Haha, get it? Get it??

His body shifted a little bit more before he spoke "what was that?"

"What was what?"

"The flash, and the camera noise"

"...I was taking a picture of the shutter, the keep out sign to be specific.


Close call, you almost got caught red handed.

Leon's voice broke you out of your little victory mind dance as the rest of his body slid under the shutters, "the area is clear, you can come over to this side." His voice was slightly muffled.

Mumbling a quick 'alright' you went down onto your stomach near the shutter, army crawling under it before popping out the other side.

Of course, you had to greet your companion with a quick pose while you were on the ground. The pose was the all famous 'kiss me like one of your french girls' pose, you grinned up at him as he shined the torch at you.

For a moment he could've sworn he saw a sparkle come off of your canine as you grinned at him broadly.

"Wassup, Sugar tits?" You wiggled your eyebrows before getting up from your position, patting the imaginary and non imaginary dust off of yourself.

You did a quick and playful bow before moving both of your arms towards one side, giving him the go ahead to continue.

"After you"


You grinned from behind him, before whipping your camera out and taking another picture of his butt, playing it off as you taking a picture of the bloodied floors that so happened to be under his shoes.

Thank fuck for the zombie apocalypse. . .


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