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(Now hear me out, hear me out, I make the reader somehow go through most of the resident evil games(I've gotten basically all of the resident evil games🙏) like y'know, Re2, Re3, RE4, (I do have RE6 I just hate the game, love the characters, hate the game, sucks ass, hate the style too, doesn't give that classic re vibe 5/10 only because of how Leon looks😋) RE7 and RE8😫 we don't even have to have it in that order, I don't care about timeline😋(I do) and the movies, can't forget about the movies😩((Carlos kinda..)))


How did you get in this situation exactly? First you were working your way out of a window sort of thing into a hallway, busting your moves just to get to where you human sacrifice was, next thing y'know some zombie is trying to make out with you in the west office.

Luckily you had your human sacrifice - aka Leonardo DiCaprio,  also known as Leon, who didn't seem to like the fact that some bloodied, rotten corpse was trying to make out with you (bite you) so he quickly whipped it out so fast.. his gun I mean. And shot it with a loud huff that escaped from his lips.


"Are you okay?"

"This is why your parents are dead–"


You groaned, wiping at your face to get the zombie drool off, sitting up and moving away from the head-exploded-corpse.

Leon was quick to be the little kiss ass he is, he reached down, pulling you up from the floor without hesitation.

He gave you a charming smile, seemingly trying to seduce you.. like a whore😡.

And all your dull ass did was give him a nod out of appreciation.

Leon seemed to lighten up even brighter at your nod, bouncing slightly at the ball of his feet, the warm fuzzy feeling seemed to bounce around in his stomach when you gave him that meaningless nod, causing a tornado to fly around wildly, which made him burp out of nervousness… like a whore😡.

Leon licked his dried lips, his breathing even, his eyes were slightly blurred, they scanned your whole figure to see if he could do anything else to get another nod out of you.

Sadly to his dismay, he didn't find anything for him to help you with as you went into the small room that was located in the west office, searching around the place.

Your attention soon switched to the safe, kneeling down and trying your luck..

Wrong, you didn't get it right, unlucky for you..


The Ai voice chimed, your hands made quick work of the safe.

Turning it left towards the number nine before turning it back towards the right, the number fifteen then all the way left again to the number seven.

The safe clicked open, you wiggled your fingers, letting out a mumble that sounded like 'don't mind if I do.' Opening the safe door only to be disappointed, what looks to be a fanny pack with big white bold letters spelling R.P.D on it.

You grabbed it with disappointment, standing up lazily before turning around.

You almost jumped out of your skin to see a blank wide eyed stare that came from Leon.

His blue eyes staring into your own eyes…



"My bad, my bad." You said, chucking the R.P.D pouch at his face before ducking away from him, still slightly worried about the dead last zombie that hunched over his chair, looking like he was taking a really good nap you'd have in class.

You walked more towards the small stairs before turning around to look at Leon who played with the letter lock thing, pushing upwards or down on the locks to get the right letters as I looked at everyone's names to figure it out.

Your attention soon turned upwards, noticing the letters and small star Balloons that hung on the wall.

You squint your eyes in the dark, trying to read the words.


'Well ain't that sad? Almost makes me feel bad for using him as a sacrifice… almost.'

You turned away from the welcoming words, your attention on a door with a light blue club on it
"Well that's fucking weird, stupid ass design, should've stuck a princess sticker on it and called it a day.

Your hands reached out trying to open the door without any success.

"Leon, we have a problem" you spoke blankly, turning towards Leon.

Leon came up, trying the same thing you did.

You gave him that same blank stare.

"Don't think I've tried that jizz stain?"


"You heard me."

"I didn't see you try turning the kno–"

"HOW ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO OPEN A DOOR THEN??" Giving him a wide eyed stare, looking up/forward/down at him as if he was stupid.

All he did was give you a dopey smile.

"We gotta find another way back into the main hall-"

"REALLY? I actually thought we were gonna swing our dicks around Leon. Thought we were gonna sword fight with my imaginary PENIS!!" Giving him an unamused stare while crossing your arms.

All Leon did was give you a charming smile, not at all bothered by you yelling at him on how obvious certain stuff was.

He actually quite liked being yelled at, not only were you putting your attention fully on him but also showing him proper emotion! Such a good and loving partner!!

He seemed to snap out of his daze when he heard the west office door close… YOU LEFT YOUR PLOT ARMOUR SHIELD?? NAH😧 HOW TF AM I GONNA KEEP YOU ALIVE? Gotta kill you off ig.

Leon quickly became frantic, knowing the zombies he shot down could still get back if not killed properly.. you could get hurt because of him, you could get hurt being away from him!

( got me fucked up, kept adding * 😭

Love it when people sometimes say my books are funny or add it to a 'crackfic' reading list, mfs got me swinging my feet and touching my toe tips together fr😩)

(We STILL raw doggin' this)


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