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"Ugh, the stench–"

"Shut up then, your breath stinking up the place, even I can smell it."

"I'm pretty sure it's just a rotting corpse. Also, does it really smell that b–."

"Stfu." after the whole floating dead body, the comments that were swinging back and forth between the two of you and of course who could forget the floating corpse suddenly falling, can't forget that since I wrote it twice.

Now here the two of you were.

Walking past the once floating body that now lays on the floor into a new hallway.

A hallway with a singular broken window that poured cold air into the already cold station.

Leon stared at the broken window, the broken police tape slightly swinging whenever a strong wind would blow past  "Come on, let's go." And another NPC responds.

Cautiously you walked past the window, not wanting to be jumped without your human sacrifice in front of you, sure he was near you, but not close enough for you to immediately grab him and somehow shove him towards a zombie.

Your thoughts were placed on that broken window, a large amount of paranoia was weighing on your shoulders from the thought of a zombie somehow slowly creeping up on you without a peep or as much as a soft breathe to signal so.ethibg was behind you, but for the sake of not causing any type of nervous breakdown you ignored it and and continued down to the hall, pushing any paranoid thought at the back of your head, but all of a sudden..


"What the fuck!" Leon jumped in surprise, shoulders tense from the random zombie.

The bangings increased in sound as the zombie banged louder and louder at the noise Leon had made, causing Leon, the hoeless mf, to grab your hand, the same exact hands that were raised as if to push someone…


His hands gripped onto yours, somehow balancing the gun and flashlight in one hand with some type of witchery or something.

As soon as you guys reached a set of double doors, which admittedly, wasn't that far from the zombie banging on the window. Probably about seven steps away from the window.

As the window broke Leon's shoulder was able to slam into it before it closed right behind you with a slightly heavy thud.

"Why the fuck is their a box with a shit ton of yellow tape on it?" You questioned, brows furrowed with an unamused look on your face.

Yes, great idea! Question why a box has a lot of yellow tape instead of questioning why the rookie grabbed and held your hand before marriage.

Didn't even get you a flower for your first hand holding ceremony.

Leon was quick to look around the–what looks to be– conference room, his hands were quick to snatch at the price of paper on the portable board, pocketing it in his best before looking around.

"So, how the fuck are we gonna get out of here?"

"Were you not listening?" His voice wasn't snappy but soft spoken, as if he was worried.

You shook your head, watching him turn his body towards you, his body being taller due to him standing on the yellow taped covered Wooden box. "Nah, I wasn't listening." You stated honestly.

'First step into a healthy relationship, being honest!' Leon beamed to himself, eyes wide with a small smile-

"Quick looking at me with those big eyes, creepy mf."

'She's being honest with me!' he beamed once more, delusional people, I swear.

"Boutta eat your eyeballs."

'does she thi-'

So sorry, I can't write this without cackling. Just gonna continue on with the plot.

"I'll go make sure the coast is clear.. just stay here. Okay?" He placed a quick awkward pat on your shoulder before standing up fully instead of crouching.

Launching himself through the small window at the very top of the conference room, he was steady to land on his feet, albeit, not quietly. But at least he didn't stumble like a buffoon.

His attention was quickly taken from his not so quiet yet successful landing towards a zombie that continuously slammed itself into a drink vending machine.

"I think bros a lil' thristy, buy the fucker a drink, Leon." Leon's attention went to you almost immediately, your head was popping out, watching the zombie slam itself into the vending machine again.

"Shh, stay in there." He didn't want you to end up hurting yourself or getting hurt by something, as he shushed you he brought his gun up.

Taking a moment to steady himself Leon began to fire into the zombies head, all though. Some did miss the head and landed into the body, by the fifth shot the moving corpse finally became a still corpse once again.

Its body fell down with one last groan and a hand reached out, its body twitched before going completely still.

"Bro, move." Leon still stood where he had landed, staring at the corpse with a blank bug eyed stare.

His attention finally shifted to your body half out of the broken window.

Seems like you were doing the worm instead of how skillfully Leon did.

You're bound to hurt yourself if you don't have someone like Leon to help you.

Luckily someone like Leon was here, and by that I mean it was Leon.

"Here I'll help-"

"If you don't move I will kick you in the face-"

"Please d—"



You were able to fall down without Leon grabbing at you.

Sure it did hurt like a bitch but at least, much to your pleasure and Leon's dismay. You were able to do it by yourself.

[Unedited 😊]


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