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(Whenever it's a hot day I start sucking my water bottle and drink all of the water in minutes, I can put any whore to shame with my skills😋(I literally cried because I didn't wanna get up at 2:43am to get more water cause my ass started over thinking that something was under my bed due to some noises, it was my dog btw) anyways, if you can't tell between Your and you're because my dumbass only found out like last year the difference between the too, you use you're whenever it has 'you are' in a sentence😋 so like 'you're/you are a little bitch' ECT thanks for coming to my TED talk pt2👍)

Your eyes widened in slight shock and disgust as Irons or whatever the pedophile was named let out a small screamish groan, talking about how you were too late as something bursted open inside his stomach, it wiggled and crawled around. "NAH! I think bro took opening up a little too literally." That earned you a disappointed look as Claire ran into Irons office thingy, the place was a mess, clearly a sign of a struggle being presented in a room, that only made Claire more worried.

Her eyes shifted around the room as she called out Sherry's name, tone laced with worry for the child.

Your eyes soon caught the open hole in the floor, a ladder leading down, Claire soon caught on as she climbed down, you followed presuit not to long after.

"Nah, big bro was definitely a pedo, ain't no way a normal person has something like this.. and that dead female back up there? Convinced me he's a sex offender too.


"Let's kith."


"Wrong timing?"

"We have to find Sherry."

One word and one word only, rizzless.

Claire seemed to ignore your curses as she called out for Sherry while walking down the steps.

"Sherry? Sherry! Where are you?" She definitely seemed worried as she held her gun tightly.

As soon as you both reached the end Sherry was right there.. behind a gate.

Though, the gate was only small which made you climb it… then you realised there was an entrance not even eight steps away.

"Well…" you were gonna make a joke but Sherry's scream caught your attention as Claire's footsteps and voice rushed the both of you.

You didn't need to be told twice when you saw the large tyrant walking towards you, his feet thumping on the ground.

"OH HELL NAH, I'M SORRY FOR STEALING YOUR GUM!" You yelled frantically as Claire told you and Sherry to run.

As you turned once more to catch a glimpse of the tyrant you were suddenly on the ground, holding your face… bro ran into a wall😭

Your eyes widened as you saw the tyrant stand over you, Claire tried to shoot him as she and Sherry stood in an elevator but the tyrant didn't seem phased as he raised his foot and brought it down on your face, Claire and not to mention Sherry's face was staring wide eyed as the tyrant turned his attention to Claire and Sherry, Claire spared your headless body one more glance as she slammed the elevator button, tears welling up in her eyes.

Your headless body was still, slowly growing cold, the blood splattered everywhere, one eyeball was crushed while the other one rolled over somewhere…

You shouldn't have stolen his gum😖





"not you again"

(Only posting this CH BC I wanna talk about the regenradors from re4, aka the mfs that regenerate unless all three parasites in them are killed, them mfs are a bit to thicc for my liking😡, big bro is support TOO much cake, bro was double cheeked up, had its own echo whenever it walked too, that shit bounced a lil too much, even said "don't hurt your daddy discord kitten😈" or something like that to it because it took a chunk of my health and resources plus my eyes were on its ass, THEM MFS HAVE TATAS TOO😭 sat in the model section for a bit to long jiggling the mfs around, kept laughing my ass off to the point I choked, Capcom did NOT need to make their ass jiggle, should've put that mechanic on Luis or Leon, maybe even the merchant 😡)

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