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(Just wanna let everyone know this is more under the 'love at first sight' category more than a slow burn one((no clue how to write slow burn nor do I have the patience😋)).)

The slight creaks and other noises made you want to- wait didn't we already go through this last CH? Nvm mb.

You thank the god/s(and/or goddesses) and other unknown beings for not getting jumped scared by zombies, I mean having a zombie with a melting face jump scare you like a FNAF character would've made you piss yourself in fright.

Speaking of using the toilet.

"Bro, you work here don't you? Where the fuck are the bathrooms, I need to take a piss, a number one, let the dams let loose, cause a tsunami, put the ocean to shame, to-" you cut your sentence off as you guys rounded another corner only to be confronted by the dark drippy hall way- "that looks like my friends mum to be hones-" what is it with you not finishing your sentence?

Holding his hand up. Leon, the mf, cut you off as he took careful, yet shaky steps towards the hallway.

Leon was trying so hard to be brave.. even if he looked like he was absolutely shitting himself, shitting bricks, shitting boulders, shitti-

The light shined further down the hallway, showing the block entrance, the blockage being a metal, greyish blue locker.

And right next to the blockage was a pair of doors, side by side, just waiting to be opened and explored.

"Gonna open this quicker than a drunk step dad would towards a beer bottle." You stepped closer to the doors, only getting a step or two in front of Leon before said man grabbed you.

And like the dramatic person you were- or are in this fanfic, you gasped pretending to clutch your pearls as he held his grip tightly onto your forearm.

Oh? What's this? A possessive appearance, never thought it would appear! Who would've guessed! W-

"I'll go first." Was the short, NPC like reply that you received rather quickly.

You gave him an up and down look, squinting slightly from the bright light that tortured your eyes.

Raising an eyebrow before slapping his hand off of your arm, treating the poor guy like a fly, "not offence, yet full offence but you look constipated from fear." Not like you were any better, you were just good at hiding the fear.

"Also, no touchy, touchy." You waggled and wiggled your index(pointer) finger at him.

He let go almost instantly, he glanced his hand for a brief moment before walking ahead of you without responding, his strides much more confident.

You could faintly hear him cheer himself on with a silent 'You got this.' as he approached the door.

"Yeah, you got this!" You mocked him, still slightly offended about how he didn't let you go first.

It seemed he heard you, his head turned towards you while he flashed you a smile before looking at the door.

'Does he not understand sarcasm?' you questioned while looking at his back.

Then you grabbed your camera and snapped one for good luck, then followed the blond.

The first thing that greeted you was the dead body that was laying on his stomach, looking like he was trying to crawl away from whatever tore at his body.

Leon wasted no time and went towards the glowing light in the dark room, pushing his hands against it making the place light up giving you a better view of the body.

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