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(I just realised I got the timing fucked up🙏 you were supposed to see two gruesomely dead mfs after meeting Marvin😟 that's mb y'all, just ignore that((ik for damn sure ppl who play re2 started yelling at me through their screens 😣that's my fault bbgs just act like allat didn't happen)))


"When the fuck did you change outfits?"

Took you that long to notice? When you were basically balls deep into the police station.

Leon looked at you with an unreadable expression before giving a dreamy sigh out and continued to look around the place.

He, sadly on his part, couldn't convince you to stay in a safe room of some sorts while he did all of the work, while you couldn't convince him to Scooby doo this shit and split up.

You didn't let him live peacefully because of that, seeing as you constantly annoyed him...

Quote on quote on the 'constantly'
Part, Leonardo DiCaprio seemed to like the attention and despised it whenever it wasn't on him.

But remember guys! Your intelligence was at 2/10! And you're also a classic y/n! So you won't notice until it's either too late or your freedom is gone! Then you're gonna be questioning 'how TF did this happen!?' and 'what in the fondle balls, fiddlesticks, dickle licks happened to my human meat shield!'

You were snapped back to the real world as soon as you stepped into the dark-ish hallway, a drastic change from the well lit room you were just in.

"You first." Yes, yes, sacrifice the blond.

Leon, without any hesitation. As if he was trying to impress you, walked in front of you proudly and bravely, even though that was the exact opposite when you guys were trying to save that other police officer(Elliot) it was like a light flickered in him. Speaking of flicking, Leon flicked his flash light on and shining it towards the hallway, whatever dark spots that didn't glow under the moon were quickly lightened up by the flash light; some parts darker than others due to its position and/or how far away it was from the flash light.

"Stay behind me."

"STaY behInD mE.." you mocked him, deepening/pitching your voice up/down.

It seems as though he didn't hear you, and if he did he probably didn't care all that much.

Seeing as you did not get the reaction you oh so desperately wanted, you let a scowl place itself on your lips.

This guy was no fun whatsoever.

Leon kept walking down the hallway, only a few feet away from a dead body, oblivious to the blank stare he was receiving from his travel buddy.

"Ugly mf." You whispered under your breath, the clear saltiness could be heard from miles away.

"Pardon?" Leon turned towards you with a small grin, thinking you had said a compliment on how much you admired him.

Bro was beaming at you, waiting for you to say the 'compliment' to his face.

But all he got was a blank stare.

One with a small and slow head shake, as if to say 'no' in a disappointing matter.

You were so close to just silently walking away and hoping to fuck knows what to find a human meat shield that you could annoy.

It seemed the annoy'er became the annoy'ee, what a plot twist...

"The fuck you jogging for??" You questioned the dirty blond as he started jogging, much as the dialogue explained, down the hallway, towards the slouched body.

You were quick to follow behind your travel buddy, not jogging, only speed walking.

It seemed Leon bugged out for a bit, his face was blank as he constantly went around in circles, stepping on the left side, taking a step in front, then stepping to the right before stepping backwards, be repeated this process twice before he seemingly teleported to a crouched position.

His hand was on the corpses temple, lifting the head with one hand while the other showered light from the flashlight in the pale face.

The milkiess of the eyes stared at the ground in shock and fear, as if he could still see himself getting ripped to shreds.

His jaw slowly fell open when Leon inched the pale head upwards, the white teeth had small bits of blood in it an-

"They're shocked about something."

Leon slowly turned towards you "what."


"Oh never mind, I found out what they were shocked about." As soon as you turned around you saw the floating body hanging up by the pole in its mouth.

"I don't think that's how you use a straw."

You turned towards Leon, whatever annoyance you felt towards him immediately washed away from that bad little joke he did. . .

(Small lil Chapter, again that's my bad y'all for fucking up the timing, should've paid better attention to the game play, ignore how that part already happened😟 [unedited🤷])


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