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Your voice was immediately hushed by an amused Claire.

I would yell too if I saw that note...

'White-Tailed Deer (Male, approx. 6 years old)

Place of capture: Arklay Mountains
Length: 6'1" Weight: 353 lbs.

Pleased with how it turned out, but I'm getting tired of working on these puny things. Maybe it's time to move on to more challenging animals.

Siberian Tiger (Male, approx. 4 years old)

Place of capture: Khabarovsk Krai
Length: 9'6" Weight: 529 lbs.

I nearly came when I sliced its yellow belly open and its warm guts spilled out. I still smell of wild beast. This is the life.

Pig (Female, 22 years old)

Place of capture: Raccoon City
Length: 5'3" Weight: 110 lbs.

The specimen's body is soft, sweet, and white all over. And it's all mine. Forever.'

"Lil bro got a bit too excited to cut a tiger open" you mumbled to Claire who gave a disgusted look at the paper, her eyes shifted towards you, giving you a soft look before walking past you and into a new hallway.

You gave the taxidermied tiger a pitiful look, knowing it was a victim, like bro almost got camed on😭 mb y'all.

You followed Claire down the hallway, stepping on the green carpets and everything because you couldn't fucking levitate much to your dissapoitment.

"Why the fuck does little dick have so much fucking hallways? What's he Tryna do?" You mumbled.

Claire turned around, giving you a weird look "little dick?" She asked curiously while opening a door.

"Yeah, bro has a little dick... where's willy, get it? Where'd Wally but it's where's willy because he had a small pp, Get it? I'm so funny" good job, boosting your own ego because the pretty lady wouldn't laugh at your joke, great job.

I have literally no idea what to write about so we'll skip to Ada's pov😋

You had found her three times, not including your first encounter, and every single time you tried to rizz her up..
Did it work? Hardly, maybe a little bit but hardly it worked, she still had her eyes on the mission and nothing was gonna distract her.. not yet at least.

Her heels clicked on the floor as she walked a bit In front of the rookie cop, the second thing she had her eyes on, the sweet rookie that she could use and manipula-

"Do you think she's okay?"

Maybe it's gonna be a bit more harder than previously mentioned due to him mostly being concerned about you, Ada only nodded still walking.

Don't worry Ada you'll be like Leon very soon..

Speaking of Leon😄

Lil bro was concerned as fuck, he was more tender then usual which made him more skittish and slightly snappy.

Quietly mumbling to himself every few seconds 'where are they?' 'Are they okay?' 'would they need help?' Was what he'd mumbled to himself.

Little did the blond rookie know, you were having a fucking blast with a woman that actually showed interest in you!

That's a lie, it seems like you were a man attractor and a woman repellent.

(This chapter is only to see if my wattpad suspension is oversince I can't post shiton here only being able to reply to comments or something😣 Sabi is sorry wattpad, Sabi wont say a bad word ever again, Sabi wont tell Toxin to 'kys' ever again, he promises 😄🙏)
(Fr just copy and pasting😋)

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