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"It smells like Uncle Jimmy's ass crack right now.." bringing the collar of your shirt/dress/sweater up,  clamping your hand on the cloth, making sure it was tightly over your nose while your face twisted in a grimace from the stench that got in despite your attempts at blocking it.

Leon, however, turned towards you with a questionable face, shining the flashlight in your eye/s, temporarily blinding your vision, before quickly pulling the flashlight to the floor.

Raising both eyebrows before shaking his head "what?"


"What did you just say?"

"What did I say?"

Your eyes were blank while looking at him, blinking a couple of times, Leon just let out a stuttered sigh and no I don't mean him saying ‘‘S-s-sigh uwu’’ no, no I mean the long type of sigh men that whimper do, that type of sigh. Before continuing forward with careful steps, his shoes making soft noises through the creepy as fuck hallway.

The soft, nervous breathing that you could hear from Leon, not to mention your heartbeat pounding in your ears made you want to run back to the shutters, wiggle your butt back under the piece of metal and stay in the well lit lobby, the urge to run back was strong as your brain began to over think, half expecting a zombie to pop out like a dad that heard their ex has just won the one million dollar lottery while using the child as an excuse to get some rights to the money.

The other half expected some random person to run around the corner that the both of you were approaching. Begging for someone to help while they cry in distress or plead to be helped in absolute terror.

The silence, despite your heartbeat beating faster and loud as fuck in your ear/s, was almost unbearable, the shaking torch that was held in Leon's hand wasn't much help to help you focus either, you both rounded the corner to a-

"Bros me when I see my friend's hot mum." You blankly said despite the need to scream at the gruesome sight of a pole being lodged into a corpse head, it popping out the other side, the other side being the mouth.

Letting out a dry, humourless chuckle Leon turned towards another dead body, this body being slouched on a wall.

Cautiously, Leon approached the paper white body, a shaky hand held onto the cold temple, pushing it up slightly.

You didn't bother to look, especially after hearing the Karen haircut having male gag from the sight of the jaw slowly stringing down, the clumps of flesh that was exposed, bloody muscles being the only thing holding the jaw to the rest of the head, even if it is doing a shit job.

The clouded eyes of the body made Leon shiver, I would too if I was looked at so seductively(help)

You tried your hardest to not look towards the floating corpse, it's only support holding it up was the slightly rusted pole that creaked every ten seconds.

Your head slightly tilted towards Leon, who was at that point getting up.

"Ever watched Mickey Mouse clubhouse?" You let Leon go ahead of you before following after he took about three steps ahead, gotta sacrifice someone once in your life.

Taking a few steps more, Leon was ready to reply to him before he absolutely shat himself with the body that was being held up suddenly lost its support and fell to the floor, the hard and dull thud was loud, if you had to be dramatic, you would say loud enough to a deafening point.

You both stared down at the corpse with tense body's. "My butt cheeks just clenched up" this time you didn't say anything, it was Leon who said that.

You turned towards him with small tears at the corner of your eye/s, a shit eating (and scared) grin displaying your features "mine too." You felt a need to cry and snicker like a child, all at the same time from his comment.

You were proud, Leon finally said something that wasn't an NPC response.

But of course you had to jinx it, we lost Leon you guys, he's back to his NPC ways.

"Common, we have to get to that guy." Once more, Leon held his gun close and firmly, keeping his shaky hands under control while shining the torch ahead of the both of you.

"You didn't answer my question." You stayed a step or two farther away from Leon, sometimes pulling your camera up to snap a pic of his behind, disrespectfully mind you.

You quickly whipped your camera away before Leon could fully turn his head towards you, "what?.. oh, you mean the Mickey mouse question?"

"Mm-hmm." you hummed out a yes to answer him while nodding, Leon turned his head back towards the hallway, his attention now fully in front of him.

"You ask weird questions, y'know?"

"Cool, now answer."

"Yes I've watched it."

"Loser, imagine.. my favourite is Pluto, whose yours?"

"Your one weird person."

"Kys." your brows furrowed at the insult, or was he complimenting you? In his own NPC way? Either way you were extremely offended and what does someone do to an NPC that offends them? Well snap pictures of the NPC ass of course!

Ignoring your reply, Leon raised a brow at you. "What are you doing?" Almost caught red handed, your camera was swinging gently from your neck as you leaned on a window instantly to 'look more innocent', looking out to the sky like some main character, how you got to leaning on the wall so fast? We'll never know(it's called feet and legs/wheels).

Cooley(I don't think that's a word), you turned your head towards Leon slowly, just as slowly as you turned your words were spoken slow as well "a childish part of me is screaming to say 'ur mum' but the adult part of me is telling me to tell you to 'shut the fuck up.'" you smiled charmingly(it was more of a grimace)

Just to avoid further questioning you put a bit more distance away from him by walking further up ahead.

Faintly hearing him softly murmur "what a weird person.."

"I heard that, kys."

(This chapter can suck my pp, made no sense at all fr, unedited)


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