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As you were about to speak, you heard someone shouting between the students...

"A slut!!" You heard everyone laughing their lungs out, which soon echoed in the room. The laughter that came from everyone hurt you badly as you again tried to speak, you heard the same voice to cut you again off.

"Want to introduce? It's obvious this bitch is a slut. She is with her sugar daddy, who gave her a drive till here!"

You lowered your head as you were being slut shamed by people.

Wow!! Is there anything left now?! You thought to yourself. Your train of thought broke when the teacher started speaking.

"STOP IT GUYS!! You go sit." The teacher ordered you and you nodded while making your steps and sat in a place you found empty. The person who was earlier sitting closer to you shifted and distance himself/herself from you, not before mumbling a 'Slut' behind.

You badly want to cry out but does that even matter? Still, you decided to focus on your studies because you don't want him to hit you.

Now you again started becoming scared of him, but are happy that he at least let you study. This much is more than enough for you.

During the whole time, not even one person came closer to you.


You are walking towards your locker when you feel somebody spank you. You got scared and turned around only to see a group of boys standing in front of you. You gulp your saliva and are about to speak when...

"Oh hey, slut!! Umm... you seem to have a nice figure. How much Jimin pays you? You don't belong here you cheap person! But I wonder woman if you'll be able to satisfy me. Come on tell us! Tell us how much you want slut!!" One of the boys from the group said making the others start laughing. They are your seniors, the bullies.

You didn't notice when tears started streaming down your face. You wiped them but they seemed uncontrollable. You then started walking, ignoring them and their ugly laugh.

But someone pins you on the door. You avert your gaze and it's one of the boys.

"P-please l-lea-ve m-me I have do-ne no-thing wro-ng!! "Huh!! Not that easy!"

Then he suddenly opened a door making you fall on your butt as he had pinned you to the door.

"Enjoy new student! This is a welcome place for you dear slut!!" He said and banged the door closed. You get up and try to open the door but it is locked from outside.

"PLEASE OPEN THE DOOR! IT IS DARK HERE PLEASE!!! PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME!! PLEASE!!!!" You kept on shouting but no one came forward to help you.

You soon became tired of all that shouting. Your throat is hurting and you don't have water. There is silence outside unlike the usual chit-chatting sound echoing, which gives you a feeling that everyone is gone till now.

But your hopes came back to you when you heard a door unlocking sound and found a girl standing there. You move outside making that person look towards you.

"Thank-s fo-r savi-ng m-me!!" "No need but I would prefer you to stay away from them. They always bully juniors and now you're their new target. Be careful next time because one student committed suicide as well because of them and their bullying. And yeah!! Please forget about me. No one should know that I saved you!" Saying this she ran away from there leaving you completely dumbfounded.

You then avert your gaze towards the watch hanging on the wall and finding it's not that late, you wipe off your tears and run outside as you remembered about the guard he told you.

TANGLED MELODY | P.JM ff ✅Where stories live. Discover now