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"Yes, you're!! You're my sugar baby!"

You don't know whether you should shout due to excitement, blush, or jump onto him. Getting to a conclusion in your mind secretly, you smiled shyly while he chuckled lightly and resumed feeding you. After a while when you can't eat anymore, you somehow convinced him, and to your good, he agreed.

He lay beside you and pulled you closer by your waist, looking at you lovingly and caressing your cheeks.

"Princess you know you should have told me beforehand only. I would have taken you way before to the therapist. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I-I f-felt l-ike i-it's better n-ot to t-talk about an-ything t-o anyone! I keep it all to myself be-cause it's di-fficult to f-ind p-eople who understand. T-telling someone h-ow you feel is honestly the h-hardest t-thing ever! I think I'm used to i-it n-now. I feel l-ike I'm in a d-dark room, at the edge of d-death, but my f-aith keeps me h-hanging in bet-between. I don't even know if I am alive or just existing. Maybe I de-deserve all of it. I also w-wanna be l-loved but I f-feel like I d-don't de-serve it. Am I-I s-so h-hard to l-love? Is I-it my f-fault??"

"I understand you Y/n!"

"NO!! Y-you don't un-derstand me. I w-want my father to h-hold me and tell me that I am unb-breakable and pric-eless!! I ne-ever had a father who tells me that I am his p-princess! I wasn't his pri-ncess! My dad!!! He doesn't c-care about h-how I f-feel!! He doesn't see that I am h-hurt! M-my dad broke my h-heart way before any b-boy can!! I always had a f-father, n-not a da-d! I thought you would a-also b-reak my heart but then I realized that you cannot b-reak what's al-already b-broken!!

I used to be the sw-sweetest girl! I don't even re-emember myself an-anymore! I ch-changed!! I have be-became a st-stranger to m-myself. Now I m-miss the old m-me!!

And f-for m-my feelings, n-no one ca-cares about t-that! I keep g-getting flashbacks of th-things I d-don't w-ant to re-member!! Every time I l-look into the mirror, I feel d-disguested!! Like I am the ug-ugliest person al-ive!! It's like ev-everyone is j-udging me!!

To be honest, I still don't k-know what the fuck I'm f-feeling right now!! It scares me if I told ab-about the da-darkness in-side me. Would you still l-look at me l-ike I'm your s-sun!!? If I e-ever told you wh-atever I am g-going through, you will never l-look at me the s-same way. I just try me har-hardest n-not to act like h-how I feel!!!"

"No matter what Y/n, I can't stop loving you. And you also can't change that. You can ask me anything Y/n without any hesitation. I am your husband Y/n. And I love you so much, much more than you can ever imagine!!"

"C-can you k-kiss m-me?!" You asked Jimin, almost in a whisper.

"What??" "Nevermi..." You weren't able to complete your sentence as Jimin cut you off in between.

"No no! I mean which type of kiss?" "There are types of kisses?!" "Okay!" Saying this, he hovers over you and leans closer to you making you immediately back away a little.

"Scared princess!! Push me if you don't like it."

In a fraction of a second, he leans much closer and you bet you could feel his hot breath on your face. His eyes are stuck at your lips and he bites his one before licking them. You guys make contact before his soft plumpy lips touch your red ones.

 You guys make contact before his soft plumpy lips touch your red ones

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He started kissing you, not too gently and neither too roughly. You can feel him trying to enter his tongue inside, which you gladly accept and he soon starts kissing you hungrily. Even though you don't know how to kiss, still you move your lips along with his. Though it's hard to keep up with his pace, still it just feels like heaven.

The kiss lasted for 3 minutes, a bit longer than expected, but the best one ever. But seems like Jimin is not ready to let you go. As you got out of breath, you tapped on his shoulder a couple of times, and understanding your gesture, he immediately broke the kiss.

"Jimin are you planning to kill me or what?!" You said breathing heavily, while Jimin chuckled hearing your words and said...

"Sorry princess I just couldn't stop myself. Your lips are so sweet. This was your first kiss. Isn't it?? Your lips were virgin, that means..." "Yaahh!! Shut up!!" You said, face whole red as hell. Jimin smirked seeing your reaction but later on, that smirk turned into a smile seeing your face... smiling, blushing, biting your upper lips which made a small cute pout. He just laid there admiring you.

"Do you want more or just this is enough?" You nodded your head, indicating to him that you're not enough and want more. He first smirked thinking 'something else', but then raised his brows in an interrogating way, waiting for you to answer.

"I want cuddles..." "Just cuddles!!" Jimin said in a bit disappointed and disbelieving tone as he thought about something 'spicy' and like 'that'.

Only cuddles!! I thought you wanted to make... Ahh.... Nevermind

Shrugging away his thoughts, he laid beside you, completely hugging you by your waist and trapping your legs with his long ones.

(A/n - Your legs are smaller than his ones, that's why long. Otherwise, we know the reality...🤣🤣)

"Crap... I think I am in love..." You whispered, still not sure but for your fortune or misfortune, Jimin heard it but still pretended like he didn't, wanting to hear it aloud from your mouth and wanting to make that moment special where you are standing, wishing him back the three magical words which he already told you, but at an unexpected situation and place.

After not so long, you both fell into a deep slumber in each other's embrace, grasping all the warmth and the hidden feeling of love from each other.

Hello readers. Pretty short one in contrast with others. But the next ones will be as long as the previous ones. Stay tuned and take care!!

~Love from your author!!

TANGLED MELODY | P.JM ff ✅Where stories live. Discover now