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Jimin stood up from the floor and assessed the condition of the room. His gaze landed on the metal stick, the object you had anticipated him using to beat you. In frustration, he kicked the stick and groaned, running his hands through his hair. After wiping away his tears, he made his way towards your room. Just as he was about to knock, he heard your snores.

Maybe she's already sleeping. I have to wait till tomorrow. But I will surely take her no matter what!!

Thinking all that he went to his room, all worried about you with a heavy heart. That night was a sleepless night for him.


Jimin usually starts his day with the sound of your angelic voice, but today was different. Upon hearing a knock on the door, he woke up and discovered that it was the head maid. She bowed immediately upon seeing him and stated...

"Sir Y/n mam's father is here. He wants to meet you guys." "Y/n's father! Okay, you can go." She nodded and went back to do her work.

Jimin completed his morning routine and headed to check on you. He noticed your door was slightly ajar and hesitated before entering, as he saw something he didn't expect...

In the room...

"D-dad I-I am so-sorry!!!" Your dad pulls your hair more tightly and roughly. "Aahhh dad ple-please I am sor-ry!!!" "This is what you're doing here huh!!! I told you to be a good wife but you..." "I try-"


"Shut up you puppet!!!

"Now tell me are you fulfilling his every need??" Y/n nodded her head feeling herself completely helpless.

"What about his sexual needs??" "Da-d!!" "Do you didn't bitch!!" He pushed you on the floor and spat...

"I told you to fulfill his every need as a good wife. But it looks like you forgot..." He knelt in front of you and you started going backwards. He again slapped you and held your shoulders tightly.

"... now listen to me puppet. You will do it with him today. YOU GET IT!!..." You nodded gulping down feeling extremely vulnerable. "... You just go and kiss his neck. He will do the remaining work. And! If I come to know that you disobeyed my order, then you better know what I'll do!!"

After announcing his dreadful demand, he stood up to head outside the room, leaving you completely broken. But when he opened the door, he saw Jimin standing there looking kinda lost which you never noticed, and they both went to the living room.

Jimin doesn't know why all that was going on inside the room, but he didn't hurt your father either. He wants to know the complete reason, he can't just come to conclusions.


Jimin is sitting on a couch chair in his room, thinking about what would happen if you did what your father said. 

What if I won't be able to control myself then???

He is just thinking about the possible outcomes when suddenly you approach him out of nowhere.

"Y-y/n" You take your slow steps toward him as he gulps hard. "Y/n don't!" But till that time, you were very close to him, extremely close that you could feel his breath on your skin. You slowly lean closer to him and kiss him softly from his jaw to neck.

"No Y/n!!" Jimin whispered but as a result, you started planting wet kisses on his neck making him wrap his hands around your waist. You don't want this to happen but still, you are doing it. Without his knowledge, he became so much engrossed in your touch over him that he forgot this is against your will.

Your tears made him come to his senses and he pushed you, which resulted in you falling on the ground. He became too shocked by his deed and started approaching you to help you, but you ran and locked yourself in the washroom, too scared to go in front of him.

Jimin tried to stop you but it's too late as you've already locked the door. Inside, you're panting very heavily, your face red from all your crying. You flinched when you felt him suddenly banging the door very hard.

"OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR Y/N!!!!!! I SAID OPEN THE DOOR!!!!! OR ELSE I'M GONNA BREAK IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shouted making you freak out more than you already were.

Suddenly your eyes fell on a blade, which you grabbed without any hesitation and whispered....

"Sorry mom!!!" You were about to cut your wrist when Jimin broke the door. His eyes fell on you and what you're holding. He hurriedly grabbed your wrist, threw that blade, and pinned you on the wall.

"WHAT WERE YOU GOING TO DO??!?!?! HOW DARE YOU EVEN THINK OF KILLING YOURSELF?????!!! HOW CAN YOU GIVE UP?!??!?!?!!? YOU WANT TO LEAVE ME HUH!!!!!!!!!? HAVE I DONE SOMETHING WRONG TO YOU!?!?!?!?!?!?!! Y/N TELL ME NAA!!!!!!!!" You're not able to form any words.

When he got no response from you, he grabbed your wrist tightly and started dragging you.

"Jimin leave me I am sorry!!!!!! Please don't hurt me!!!! Please don't kill me Jimin!! Don't burn me Jimin!!! I am sorry!!!!!! I will never disobey you again!!!"

But this time he didn't leave your hand. You were trying your level best to come out of his grip. But instead of losing, his grip got even tighter. He is dragging you outside. You don't know where he'll take you or what he'll do to you.

When you reached outside, he harshly opened the door of one of the cars and pushed you inside. You tried to sit back but he hovered above you leaving no gap between both of you. Your chest touching his!!

You gulp hard because of the closeness between both of you but then he put on the seatbelt. Then you realized that.... YOU'RE TRAPPED!!! TRAPPED WITH HIM!!!!!

He sat beside you and started driving the car God knows where. He is driving at a very high speed making you freak to your death.

"Jimin!! Jimin please I am sorry I will never do it again!!!! Please don't burn me! If you want I will never even show myself in front of you!!!!!! I will never disturb you I will always be a puppet!! Please! Please Jimin!!!!!!!!!"

Jimin didn't utter a single word. You are begging him but he's not listening to any of your pleadings.

Suddenly he stopped the car in front of a Hospital. He opened the door and came to your side to take you out.

"Y/n please come out on your own I don't want to force you!!" But you shake your head as 'NO'. You're so much scared of him. Now even his actions made you more and more terrified. But he didn't hesitate to take off your seatbelt and again started dragging you, but this time you protested against him. You struggle, trying to free yourself from his grip. Getting frustrated, Jimin tightened his grip around your wrist and still managed to drag you.

"Jimin please I am fine! I don't need a doctor please stop Jimin!! It's hurting please Jimin!!!! Please!! People are looking please Jimin!!!!" Finally, having enough of your tantrums, Jimin picks you up in bridal style and starts walking. You became a little blank, but soon came to your senses and started wriggling in his arms like a baby and pleaded...

"Jimin put me down!! Jimin please I am sorry Jimin!!!" Jimin then went towards the receptionist and asked for the doctor. After she told him the room and that the doctor was waiting for him, he started going towards the room with you in his arms, crying continuously.

When Jimin entered inside, the doctor stood up from his seat and bowed in front of him. Then Jimin placed you down but as you were about to run away, he pinned you to the nearest wall.

"J-Jimin!!" "Y/N I LOVE YOU!!"


TANGLED MELODY | P.JM ff ✅Where stories live. Discover now