Prologue 2

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Valdis Spyridon Aritiri

8 days ago

The happiest day of my life also ended up being the worst day of my life. My magic woke and my bond with my twin formed. Atlas was okay, more than okay if this bond was to be trusted. He found his Quint and would never know the same lonely fate as me. I could endure this for him. Or so I thought. My magic woke during one of my daily beatings and I killed the guard tasked with breaking me for the day. My magic was much stronger than the Regent was expecting. He sentenced me to be bound by the Iron Coffin to control me, a cursed first born female twin.

The Iron Coffin is made of metal cuffs that are attached individually to every other vertebra in the spine, starting at the top of the shoulders and ending just above the butt. It can only be attached by a Quint, as it requires every type of magic and also an immense level of power. This device does hurt the wearer physically because the metal cuffs are too sharp for the skin to heal over them, so it's always like a gaping wound, but it's designed to injure the soul directly. Shredding its victim from the inside out. The Iron Coffin was banned from every country almost immediately after it was created 400 years ago. It was only used twice before being banned, both victims died within the month of wearing it. I am the only exception. That was three years ago.

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