Chapter 14: This Changes Nothing

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Valdis Spyridon Aritiri

Friday, Present

A loud banging wakes me up from dreams best left untouched. My head lifts from my pillow and I glance at the crystal clock. 12:07.

The pounding continues and I roll out of my bed and walk over to the door. My oversized black hoodie drapes around my black joggers almost like a mini dress. I'm expecting to see Silas but instead Kyro stands in front of my door. His fist raised as if ready to bang on my door again. My eyes turn back to the clock then Kyro.

"I guess two hours is good enough." I press my palms into my eyes then push them back through my black and white curls.

"You need to eat and we're all going a little crazy waiting on you to give us some answers." Kyro shrugs then grabs my arm pulling me from my room and down the stairs. I can feel his magic seeping into me, looking for anything to heal. I don't jerk away from him this time. He already knows and I enjoy his touch.

Kyro pulls me into the living room and gently pushes me into one of the leather couches. Callum walks in from the kitchen and places a plate in my hands. He made a delicious smelling sandwich with a salad and he places a lemonade on the coffee table in front of me. Everyone else grabs food and sits around the living room. Kyro sits next to me and presses his thigh against mine. More of his magic flowing into my body.

"What do you want to know?" I rasp out. I honestly want to get this over with as soon as possible so I can go back to sleep. I looks like Silas is about to speak but Callum beats him to the punch.

"No." He states calmly. "Eat first. We all need our strength." Nods go around the room and we comply. Maybe a little awkwardly but Callum is right. At least he is about me. Kyro takes my plate from me when I finish my last bite and places it on the coffee table in front of me.

"Show us." Kyro comands me. His gold eyes staring straight into my soul. He leaves no room for argument and a sigh leaves my body. I spin around on the couch bringing my legs up and crossing them, giving the room my back. I reach my hand back and pull my hoodie up over my head but leave it around my arms and chest. My body may be that of a mans thanks to the enchanted ring changing my appearance but I am still a woman. It feels weird to show my chest even if my breasts are hidden by the enchantment. Gasps ring through the room at seeing my metal spine in proper lighting. Kyro may have been healing me this whole time but I'm positive that dried blood is still painted around the metal cuffs.

Kyro's hands find the bare skin on my back, I know it's him because I can feel his magic flow through me. "There's nothing to heal." I whisper to him. He's probably reaching his limit and I don't want him to waste his magic on me.

"There's blood on your back." He grits out. Frustration clear in his voice and tense fingers. "Obviously there is more to heal."

It's my turn to gasp when icy water runs up and down my metal spine. I shoot a glare over my shoulder at Callum his blue eyes glowing with power. "Valdis is right Kyro. It's dried blood." Kyro's hands trail between the metal cuffs sending a full body shiver through me and I pull my hoodie back on at lighting speed.

"How long have you had the Iron Coffin?" Lucian rumbles in his deep voice. His arm is wrapped around Callum with his hand resting on Silas's shoulder.

"Three years. It was my eaighteenth birthday gift." My gaze darts down to my hands and I pick at my hands. "A hell of a gift right?" I chuckle to myself.

"What did you do to deserve this punishment?" Silas asks and my eyes snap to him. Everyones eyes snap to him and I can see Kyro shaking his head at Silas. Does he really think anyone deserves this?

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