Chapter 19: Figured Out Who Made The Stairs

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Valdis Spyridon Aritiri

Monday Morning, Present

A persistent knock sounds on the front door. I walk out of my room at the same time Kyro walks out of his. His white hair messy from sleep. I look down at my crystal watch and see the time is 03:00.

"Do you know what's going on?" He yawns and walks next to me down the stairs.

"No idea." I shrug as we meet up with the other three.

Silas opens the door then steps back as the Dean and her Quint force their way into our house. "I'm sorry but this couldn't wait till the morning." She says as she walks into the living room, all of us close on her heels. Dean Whyriss sets up an eTop on the coffee table and pulls up a news article.


In more shocking news. Prince Valdis, second born Prince of the Kingdom of Souls is missing.

No one has seen the Lazy Prince since his last scandal over a month ago. Could Prince Valdis have something to do with Prince Atlas's death? A taskforce has been put together to find the missing Prince and uncover the truth.


My butt hits the seat after reading the article. "They think I killed him?" The question falls flat in our crowded living room.

"I'm afraid so." Dean Whyriss says in a concerned voice. "We currently have a media blackout and a barrier put in place." She starts. "But it will only last so long."

"Do they know that Prince Valdis is here?" Silas asks, his shoulders sag like the weight of the world rests on his shoulders.

"No, but it's only a matter of time." Professor Locke answers his Prince. "The world knew that Prince Atlas was studying here with his Quint, so it is only natural that this will be the first place they look." Professor Locke touches his lip then chest with two fingers in the traditional greeting to Silas.

The two of them keep discussing plans but I tune them out. He's gonna find me. My location will get out and the Regent will know where I am. He's gonna find me. Panic and dread pull me into a frozen state staring at the ground. All I can feel is the phantom pain of the beating I will get when he drags me back underground. My body shakes with the anticipation of each blow.

My attention is broken by someone kneeling in front of me. Professor Heathrow takes my hands in his. "What is the matter Prince Valdis? Your soul is all over the place." His purple eyes glow with his magic and I can see him studying the shape and color of my soul. It makes me curious as to what exactly he is seeing.

"I don't want to be found Professor. I can't be." My eyes lock onto his and I know he's connecting some dots about our study sessions and the pain he can feel in my soul.

"You cannot run from your pain forever." He says to me softly. "The pain will catch you when you are unprepared."

My hands clutch his harder. "What should I do? I'm not ready?" The fear is starting to strangle my breath. I allow the emotion to trickle through the Quint bond and can feel all four Princes move closer to me in a discrete manor. By Professor Heathrow clocks it. He has been in a Quint much longer than we have. A smile twinkles in his eyes.

"You must prepare for the worst." He say solemnly then gives me a warm smile. "But always hope for the best." His head tilts around the room. "Rely on those who rely on you." It isn't hard to understand that he means the Quint and my first instinct is to shut that down but then I remember that we are trying to move forward as a Quint. Professor Heathrow squeezes my hands back then lets go rising to his feet.

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