Chapter 21: Everything We Can Do

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Valdis Spyridon Aritiri

Tuesday Morning, Present

Everyone held me through my torture session. Kyro brought me to his room again and held me through the night as I cried for my friend. Another body joined us as I slept fitfully. I wake with Kyro curled against my back and Callum's blond curls tucked under my chin. He smells of fresh water and frost. Delicious.

His arms band around my waist while Kyro's band across my chest. My leg is thrown over Callum's waist and my fingers curl through is hair. Maybe I should start tucking a sock in my boxers. These men are getting awfully close to figuring out that I don't have a dick and I may not actually be a boy. Kyro shift against my back pressing me closer into Callum. My mind wants to go to inappropriate places but I understand what these two men are giving me. Comfort.

I try to peek over my shoulder and over Kyro to see what time it is without either of them waking. I am unsuccessful at seeing the time. Soft chuckles bring my gaze to the bedroom door where Lucian is leaning against the frame.

"I was wondering where Callum went last night." Lucian whispers. "Now I know." His smile is soft, warm. Do they sleep in the same room often?

"Sorry." My cheeks heat. Callum tightens his arms around me and he presses his face further into my chest. "I  guess Kyro called in reinforcements." I try to shrug my shoulders but Kyro tightens himself around me. My eyes fall back on Lucian. "I can't breathe."

Lucian looks like he's about to grab them both my the scruff and throw them. "No." I whisper shout. "Let them sleep. I think I kept them up most of the night." Lucian gives a nod then grabs me by my ankles. "What are yo-" He yanks me, hard. I slide out of the foot of the bed and am now sitting on my ass staring up into Lucians grinning face.

"They're still sleeping, lets go." He pulls me up and we follow each other out and down the stairs. Silas is sitting on the couch by the fireplace with three steaming mugs. The sun is just rising and there's a fire burning. I sit opposite Silas and Lucian falls into the seat next to me. Silas slides the two mugs towards us and I take mine gladly. I pull out my eCrystal and call Sir Howin.

"Good morning my Prince." He answers on the second ring, sleep heavy in his voice. "What can I do for you?"

"Sinclair has been taken. I need you to get me her father's contact information so I can inform him." My voice is heavy but I did my crying yesterday. Today I need to be strong. I need to be strong for Sinclair.

Sir Howin is quiet for a few moments and I can hear soft clicking in the background. "It's going to take me a moment to find Major Kairos. He went underground after Regent Lukadious took over. I'll send you a message when I figure it out." More clicks sound. "I also don't have an update on where the Flickers are taking the people matching your age and without Sinclair it doesn't look like I'll be able to figure it out but I'll keep crunching the numbers and will get back to you as soon as I can."

I take a small breath as disappointment swells in my body, then guilt. It isn't Sinclair's or Sir Howin's fault that we can't figure this out. "Thank you. Souls be safe." I end the call after he repeats my words. I sagg into the couch and take a sip and hum. The coffee is good. There's so much I need to get done and I feel like time is running out. So many people are getting hurt and I'm just sitting here. Huge swells of negative emotions flood my emotions and I can feel sparks on my fingers and shoulders. A hand lands on my thigh bringing me back to the present. Lucian and Silas are both staring at me. "Sorry." I take another sip of my coffee.

"Sir Howin?" Silas asks. His orange eyes staring at my hands.

I set the mug on the coffee table and tuck my legs under my body. "Yes. He's getting me in touch with Sinclair's father. I have to let him know what has happened." I choke down the tears that want to break past my mantra of being strong today. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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