Chapter 2: Can't have a first impression if you're already infamous.

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Valdis Spyridon Aritiri


"Princess," a gruff voice pulls me from my sleep. "Princess Valdis, we're about to arrive at the Lustrum Academy of Magic and War. You need to prepare yourself." Sir Howin rumbles from the front of the EMC.

I quickly slide the gold ring back on my left thumb and push myself off my stomach back into a seated position. Making sure there are no creases in my suit and running my hands through my black curls streaked with white, I thank Sir Howin for the warning. Looking out the crystal window my eyes nearly fall out of my head. This place is gigantic. How many building do they need? Well I guess it is an international college so it should be big enough to fit a plethora of students from all five Kingdoms. My busy mind wanders about the giant castle-like buildings with equal parts regular crystal glass and stained crystal glass. They're flower gardens and hedges everywhere. This place screams elite but it also has a homeyness to it too that says "yes we're great but all are welcome".

"Sir Howin," my voice comes out soft with that scratchy quality I don't think I'll ever get rid of. "How many students attend the academy?" Maybe it'll be easier to fly under the radar if there is a bunch of students.

"Roughly 500,000 students attend LAMW but the royal students I think only have about 20 and the I think there are 8 Quints this year." He gives me knowing look from the review mirror. "You won't be able to hide here very long. Incase you forgot, the Regent has been smearing your name for the last three years. Blaming your unruliness' on why Atlas never ascended the throne." He sighs. "We both know that is bullshit but no one else does so I wouldn't expect a warm welcome from anyone. It actually might be easier for you to play the parts the Regent assigned to you in the tabloids."

He pulls into the circle drive of the administration building and opens my door for me. Sir Howin leads me inside and a smartly dressed receptionist almost jumps out of her seat. "Prince Valdis!" She almost screams. "To what does the LAMW owe this pleasure. And we would also like to extend our deepest condolences for your brother."

My hand tugs softly on the earring gifted to me by Atlas. "Thank you for your kindness," my eyes quickly scan the name plate on her desk, "Lottie. I'm here to register for the school year and to also take care of Atlas's personal effects."

Lottie gives me a frown then walks back around to her desk. Her fingers start clicking against a long crystal board and she looks into the screen of another crystal. Sir Howin whispers in my ear that it's and eScreen and the thing she's clicking in is an eBoard. "I'm sorry Prince Valdis, all of Prince Atlas's belongings are still in his room at his Quint house. You would have to get permission from his Quint to enter." She gives me sorrowful eyes over the top of her eScreen. Then she gives me a beaming smile. "I can send them a message if you'd like?"

Shaking my head at her I show her my left hand, she gasps when she sees the black five layered pentagram in the center of my palm marking me as a member of a quint. "When my brother committed the Ritual, he gave me his bond as well as his power. I'd like to put off seeing them as long as possible." She gives me nod, not needing any other confirmation that the gold bond on my skin.

"I can enroll you in classes first if you'd like? That will take us a bit of time since we have to fill a new enrollment form and figure out your class schedule." Lottie say with understanding. I look around the crowding reception area and give her a pleading look.

"Can we do that in a more private area? I'd like to not be gawked at by every student in the school." A small crowd is forming and I'm honestly not ready to play my part of this charade, I'm not even sure I want to play it all. Is playing the part really my best course of action?

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