Chapter 4: Why are there so many stairs?

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A soft trill rouses me from dreams that have left me both confused and aroused. Hitting the crystal clock on the night stand beside my bed effectively turns the soft melody off. I'm slowly pulling myself from the bed when a loud blaring alarm comes from wall and the next room over. the sound startles me so bad that I trip out of bed and crash to the floor. I can hear a groan, then a thud, and the alarm turns off. I guess Prince Kyro is a heavy sleeper.

Gathering myself, I stumble into one of the two other doors in my room. The first one I chose is apparently full of the Academies school uniform. Black slacks. Black suit jacket with a gold epaulette to signify my rank in the kingdom. Royals and appointed officials wear gold and everyone else wears silver. My dress shirts range from black to grey to white and even some purple. Nice that we are allowed to wear the colors from our kingdoms but I predict that I will be wearing black for most of my time here. I could probably get away with a dark purple. It wouldn't show my blood as bad as a white one would. Several black oxfords line the shoe rack below. On the other side of the walk in closet are normal clothes for everyday use. A note hangs from on of the hoodies.

I figured you would need some personal items, hope you don't mind.

Souls be safe,


A small smile curls my lips at my brother's thoughtfulness. "Souls be safe." I whisper back to the note, folding it and hiding it in one of the oxfords in the back of the wrack. When I get the chance one day, I'll ask a Rune Master to copy Atlas's handwriting and burn 'souls be safe' into my skin.

Leaving the walk in wardrobe I try the next door and find my initial target. The bathroom. I stop short staring at the greatest creation anyone has ever made and send my gratitude up to Goddess Totalia, the Kingdom of Inditing's Goddess of intentions and creation. The shower. Doing research on the shower was my sole guilty pleasure during my time locked in the cage. When it was time for another tabloid to make its way into the public's eye, I was given a cold bucket of water and soap. I think I cleaned up pretty well for having ten minutes and limited resources, but it was probably due to makeup and editing that I actually looked decent in any of the scandalous photos people "caught" of me.

I strip all of my clothes quickly except for my turtle neck, that, I carefully pry from the dry scabs forming around my iron cuffs. The skin surprisingly doesn't look as bad as I was expecting. Small miracles and all. My thoughts unhelpfully add as I turn the water on for the shower. Whirling back around to look in the mirror I inspect the area on my chest and collar bone where Prince Silas burnt me and note that the skin also looks well healed. It's still red and irritated but it looks way better than it should. Then I remember the small text about bonds that I was forced to learn.

"Not only can a Quint strengthen the magic a bond member can preform, but it can also strengthen one's physical constitution. Quint members have often stated that they can run faster, jump higher, and lift heavier weights after forming a Quint. Bond members have also stated that their groups ability to heal or recovery from significant injuries increased greatly."


Shaking the thoughts from my head I jump into the shower and a low groan, that would put many of the companion workers to shame, escapes from my throat. The warm water almost feels sinful against my battered back. My head slowly falls to rest against the smooth black stone of the shower as I soak in the amazing feeling of the water. After too long I set to washing my curly black hair with streaks of white running through it, and my body. Once I'm satisfied that I'm squeaky clean I turn the water off and wrap a fluffy black towel around my waist.

Next order of business is to put on my uniform. I do end up wearing a dark purple button-up and pair the outfit with black oxfords and a black leather belt with gold detailing. My ruined turtle neck goes under my bed until I decide how to discard of it without anyone asking questions. A black leather satchel rests on the door hook in the wardrobe and I sigh in gratitude when I discover that I can just wear it on my shoulder instead of my back. Grabbing the bag Sir Howin gave me when we met, I transfer my eTop and eCrystal. I'll need to check my messages soon but the first order of business if food.

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