Chapter 9: Truth is better than Lies.

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Lucian Vander Kavalyov

Two days later

I've been following him. Scratch that, I've been stalking him in my spare time. Or I would be but Valdis doesn't go anywhere except school and classes. Not including whatever he did this weekend with Sinclair but Valdis is right. A gentleman shouldn't kiss and tell. He's driving me mad. I also hat that he wears the earring I made for Atlas. Only the people I care about are allowed to wear the things I make. I would have taken it back by now but he never takes it off. He's only been here a week but I've decided he shouldn't have the earring.

A pale hand traces across my darker chest. I pull Callum closer to me in bed, he's been staying here since Atlas preformed the ritual and I can't complain. I love his company even if we are simply cuddling in this moment.

"Good morning." Callum rumbles in my ear and kisses my cheek before slowly, languidly, pulling himself from the bed and walks to the doorframe of my bathroom. "You coming?" He purrs and I damn sure am going to. Callum turns into the bathroom without waiting form me and I hear the water turn on. Steam quickly starts to escape the bathroom.

Entering I find his naked silhouette behind the glass of my walk-in shower. I strip my boxers from my body and step in behind him grabbing him by the hips and pull his warmed toned body against my chest.

"You're feeling very cheerful this morning." I growl in his ear as my hand travels down the front of his body and grab his hardened cock. Callum lets out a delicious gasp when I start to pump him slowly. His head falls back against my shoulder and he presses his ass against my cock between us.

"More." He moans and I pump him faster, grinding myself agains the crease of his ass cheeks. The hot water falling on us and running down the ridges of our muscles. I press Callum against the dark stone of the shower and trail my hand down his back. Callum arches his back and sends me a flirty wink over his shoulder. "Please." He begs for my touch.

"You beg so pretty for me." I growl and reward him by pumping two fingers into him. It's been a while since we've fucked. Callum's moan is guttural and it lights a fire in my soul. I pump faster then add a third finger. Callum pulls away and spins grabbing the bottle of lube on the shower shelf and grabs my cock firmly.

"Stop teasing me and give me your cock now Lucian." Callum demands, his glowing blue eyes lidded heavily as he lubes my cock up for me. "I need you." He begs and I lose it. I wanted to be gentle for him but I need him just as badly as he needs me. It really has been too long.

My lips slam against his and I lift him, he wraps his legs around my waist and I slam him back against the shower wall. He moans in my mouth when I enter him and I eat his sounds of pleasure. His hands tangle in my braids, keeping my head in place so he can devour me in return and I groan. Callum can't help but try and take control. I smirk in our kiss and slide my hand between our bodies and grasp his cock again. He tries to grab my hand and stop me but I use my magic to morph the wall into shackles and lock his hands against the shower wall. He looks absolute delicious bound like that. At my mercy.

"Stop." Callum moans into my mouth. "I'm gonna cum." I move my hips faster.

"Then cum." I growl out kissing down his neck when he throws his head back. The sounds that fall from his lips when he cums is the most incredible thing I've ever heard. I've missed his sounds of pleasure.

I grunt my pleasure into his throat and pull out, releasing myself onto the shower wall. When I look up Callum is pouting at me. "What?" I search him in concern. "Did I hurt you?" I release my magic holding his wrists and catch him when he falls forward.

"I wanted you to cum inside me." The brat pouts at me. I slowly help him settle his feet on the ground.

"You and I both know that you would complain all day that it keeps dripping out of you." Callum's cheeks flame and he grumbles under his breath but I ignore him and turn him into the spray of the shower. Grabbing the shampoo I wash his hair, giving him a good head scratch. Next is his body and I take extra care of his back and legs, massaging the kinks out of them. Satisfied I go to start washing my braids but Callum stops me and grabs the shampoo from me.

"Let me." I nod at him and he gets to work on my braids. "We're gonna need to rebraid them this weekend." Callum says inspecting my regrowth. I give him another nod. He often helps me braid my hair and I adore him for it. He washes my body for me next then we both get out of the shower. Callum uses his magic to pull the excess water out of my braids then pushes me into the vanity chair. He pulls the oils form my cabinet and oils my scalp. Massaging it into my skin. I relax into his long fingers, a sigh leaving my lips.

"Thank you." I say when he's done and start the long task of putting all the gold enchanted charms into my braids. The task brings me back to the knowledge that Valdis wears one of my creations. He shouldn't.

Callum and I quickly put on our training uniforms and head to the kitchen.

"Do you think he will eat what I make today?" Callum asks while preparing our morning meal. Throwing different herbs and concoctions into it.

"No." I answer simply and his shoulders fall. The anger I have for Valdis is back in full force at upsetting Callum.

"He's getting thinner, have you noticed?" Glowing blue eyes find mine and I see that the thought is actually concerning to Callum. It takes me back a little. "It's okay that he isn't eating what I make, but he needs to eat something."

"Then he can wake up earlier and make his own food." I state simply and start setting the table for the others. Another voice makes me pause.

"He won't." Kyro says. His white hair pulled into a high ponytail. It accentuates his cheek bones nicely. "Valdis barely wakes up in time for combat training." Kyro leans against the doorway, his gold eyes studying me and Callum. "You guys are back together again." He states with a smile and comes over to help me finish setting the table. "Good."

Callum and I look at each other before boxing Kyro between us. His blush lighting up his pale cheeks and making his glowing gold eyes stand out that much more. He looks between us with both desire and confusion. Callum and I lean down at the same time and kiss Kyro on either side of the neck. A small squeak leaves Kyro followed by a low moan.

"I was gonna ask for coffee but I'm wide awake now." Silas purrs from the kitchen entrance.

Callum and I pull away from Kyro with grins. I go back to setting the table and Callum finishes up breakfast. Kyro tries to get his breathing under control and it makes my grin widen on my face.

"Let's eat." Callum cheers and we all take our places at the table.

Valdis doesn't make his way to us until we're heading out the front door.


I've been hyper aware of the earring all day. The enchantment has been on all day. He's been abusing the power all day. I'm pissed. I'm fucking fuming. He never should have had the enchantment in the first place. What the hell does a pampered Prince like him need an enchantment for pain management for anyway. He doesn't deserve it.

The bastard doesn't even come home after his classes anymore. I know he doesn't want to be part of our Quint but he is and Valdis needs to fucking deal with it instead of spending every moment he can in the fucking library.

That being said, why the hell is the enchantment running while he's sitting in the damn library. He's not doing a damn thing besides flipping pages and typing on his eTop.

I've had it. He never should have had it in the first place.

My senses expand and my focus stops on my enchantment in Valdis's ear. It's my enchantment so it listens to my will, this task would be much harder for any other Mineralist to do but for me it's as easy as breathing. I crack the white stone in the gold earring breaking the enchantment. I know I fucked up as soon as it happens.

Valdis's posture turns to stone. He becomes absolutely rigid in his seat. A small gasp is the only thing he lets out. Then he closes the book in front of him with slow motions. Packs away his eTop into his back and stands from his seat. He walks stiffly out the back door.

I race after him, pulling my eCrystal from my pocket and calling the first name that pops up. They answer on the first ring. "I fucked up, get here now." I yell into the phone trailing Valdis into the woods behind the library.

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