Chapter 1: What is that Stupid Tug

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Valdis Spyridon Aritiri

7 days ago

    My body flew up from the fetal position I always slept in. My heart pounding, ears ringing, veins roaring. Something wasn't right and my body knew before my mind caught up. Something was very, very wrong. But what? Looking around the dark cell carved from the earth I found nothing out of place. The desk where they forced my learning was still neat and tidy. The wooden wardrobe that held the fancy men's clothing, still untouched unless the Regent made me dress up and act like a sleazy prince for the articles. The enchanted ring that disguised me as a boy still wrapped around my left thumb. The Iron Coffin was still fused to my spine. What was wrong? My adrenaline was still spiking and growing more and more as the seconds ticked by. What was the matter? I started to pace my cell on shaky legs, my adrenaline demanded I do something while my muddled brain tried to catch up.

    Two eyes? Check. Two legs? Check. Two arms? Check. Pain? Well, that was the easiest one. Double check. Matted white and black hair? Check... Unfortunately, Gods I want a shower. My magic? Check, but it feels a little weird. My twin bond with Atlas... Where is it? Where is he? What's going on? Why can't I feel him? He didn't do it, he couldn't have done it. I started screaming down the bond for him but the only thing that answered was a tsunami of power and it erupted out of me in a storm of plasma, blowing apart the walls of my cage and leaving me in the center of a crater. He did it. Tears streamed down my cheeks falling into the rubble below. Atlas did the ritual. He sacrificed himself for m– Pain shredded my soul causing me to fall to my knees as shouts surrounded me.

    "Grab him."


    "Don't let him escape."


    "What happened?"


    "How did he do this?"


    I knew all their voices but I never knew any of their names, it was another way that the Regent isolated me. Controlled me into whatever they needed or wanted. None of this was new for me except, there was something new. I could see the shapes of their souls. The colors. Their intentions. I knew none of my captors were good people but their souls told me another story, they were the worst kinds of people and they needed to be reaped. With that one thought shining ropes flowed from their souls and reached towards me. My body knew what to do before my mind did as my hand reached out, closed around the strings, and ripped them. Thuds sounded from all around me as lifeless bodies hit the ground, then silence. I reaped their souls.

All twins knew that they were special in this world, because they were gifted by the Gods with extra magic and the ability to share that magic between each other. I know what you're thinking, what stopped twins from killing each other and stealing their magic? If a twins killed one another for their magic then both would lose it and the Gods would curse your bloodline so none of your children would ever be able to wield magic again. But a twin could choose to sacrifice their life and give their magic to their twin. In order for the Gods to determine if the twin truly wished to do this they set up a ritual that must be completed. All twins know this story but the ritual has been lost for many centuries. Or that was true until Atlas.

It was time to go. I didn't know where but anywhere was better than this. Sobs and pain wracked my whole body as I dragged myself up from the rubble and started walking east when an insistent tug halts me in place. I tried once more but the tug pulled me again. I felt for Atlas's bond even though I knew it wouldn't be there. But again I found something new. Four new somethings to be exact. Atlas you brat. He bonded me to his Quint. He fucking bonded me to them. He gave me all of his magic and a Quint bond is made with fucking magic. With nowhere else to go, I turned west and... tug. I turned south, tug. Damn. With a sigh I turned north and started making my way out of the crater.

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