Chapter 16: I Know This Plan is Shit

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Valdis Spyridon Aritiri

Saturday Morning, Present

The smell of bacon and eggs pulls me from my sleep and I wander down the stairs and enter a full kitchen. The conversation that was happening moments before I entered ceases completely. Orange, gold, green and blue eyes follow my movements as I make a plate and sit in my designated seat. I'm three bites into my meal before I give up.

"What?" The attitude pours from my mouth. It's supposed to be my weekend to relax and instead I'm being watched like some sort of side show. It's annoying.

"How did you sleep?" Callum asks and I can't help but remember waking up in the back seat of Tardigrade basically laying on top of him. Then I promptly was tortured for an hour then we drove the rest of the way back to the school.

"Fine..." My cheeks heat at the little smirk my answer puts on Callum's lips. "I'll probably be getting more now since I won't be sneaking out anymore."

"You were sneaking out?!" Silas booms sending a whole body flinch through me. "Why? With who? When?" His forearms bulge as he leans across the table to get in my face. Kyro's slender fingers rest on Silas's chest and pushed him back down into the seat.

"Uh... I was going into the woods... So you wouldn't hear me scream every night..." My eyes lock onto my eggs. "I didn't want anyone to know. Still don't actually." Gods can I shut up already? "I can keep doing that if it'll bother you guys. I was planning on going into the basement but if that isn't okay I can go to my spot in the woods." I turn and look to my left where Lucian is seated and tentatively find his eyes for a moment before looking back down at my plate. "I was actually wondering if you could make a silencing crystal? Or if you know where I could purchase one? My Knight and I haven't had much luck finding one."

A hand touches my chin and guides my face to look at Lucian's. "I can make you one after breakfast." Lucian releases my eyes and chin then looks around the others at the table. "It's a high grade enchantment so I'll need the entire Quint to help me make it." Nods go around the table.

A slight breeze fills the room then concentrates on my chin forcing it up and over to look at Kyro across the table. His golden eyes glow brightly with his power. "How much sleep have you been getting?" His question takes me off guard.

"Enough. I've been getting a nap in at lunch on most days." I try my best to shrug off the question. All the apparent concern and possible kindness from everyone is weirding me out a little. At this point their indifference or hatred is expected. Not what ever this is.

"That's not what I asked." Kyro's long white hair blows slightly in the breeze and his eyes harden on me.

"Around ten hours." I say thinking back on shower times and not including my naps because they really don't count.

"How are you getting ten hours of sleep a night? Our schedules don't allow that kind of time. Unless you're skipping out on your studies?" Silas questions. When I try to look over at him the air on my chin tightens.

"Go on." Kyro commands me.

"A week." My statement falls flat. My eyes rolling into the back of my head. "I get ten hours of sleep a week." The breeze holding my chin vanishes causing my eyes to snap back to focus on Kyro. He stands with purpose and rounds the table. Callum moves from the seat to my right and Kyro takes his place. "What are you d-"

My sentence falls silent when Kyro grabs the leg of my chair and spins it around to face him. He traps my knees between his own then grabs my face in his hands. Kyro's eyes light up and his healing magic flows through me. Callum steps to Kyro's back and places his hands on his shoulders, his blue eyes glowing brightly at sharing his power with Kyro. 

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