Chapter 18: Open The Bond, Please

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Valdis Spyridon Aritiri

Sunday Morning, Present

Breakfast is decently peaceful and we clean up after our meal while we let Callum sit out. The cook doesn't clean. 

"Did you still want the silencing crystal?" Lucian grabs my attention when I hand him a plate to dry. "We didn't finish talking about it before you left."

I contemplate for a minute if I really need it anymore since they all know and the basement has decent noise cancellation but then memories of last night flood my mind. About how the session started early and lasted twice as long and then uncertainty floods my mind. The schedule has been set since I escaped. What if I can't predict when it happens anymore? My pulse races. What if he turns the Iron Coffin on whenever he feels like it. Blood roars in my ears. What if I can't get to a safe location? A plate shatters in my hands. What if there's people around and I hurt someone when I lose control of my magic? Crimson drips from my fingers. What if I can't get to the four of them? My legs give out but someone catches me before I hit the ground. I need them. 

Everything is a blur but I can feel my knees press into something soft then my body is pressed into some else's, chest to chest. I think I'm straddling someone on the couch. Big arms wrap around me and rock me back and forth in small, soft motions. My face is pressed into a soft cotton shirt that smells like the woods and spice. It's a great scent. The scent makes me take slow, deep inhales so I can save it in my memories. The feeling of a strong steady heartbeat against my face coaxes my own heart to slow it's rhythm. I need them.

Warm hands pull mine away from where they clutch into the cotton shirt and I know Kyro is healing the cuts I got from when the plate shattered in my hands. I'm aware that it isn't Kyro's lap that I'm sitting on and Callum was too far away to catch me before I fell. It's Lucian or Silas. Strong arms still hold me tight. I guess it doesn't matter that I've calmed down enough, because these strong arms won't let go before I do. Or I hope they won't. I need them.

Kyro gives my hands back to me after he finishes healing them and I've decided that I've gathered myself enough to pull back. There is resistance from the whoever's arms I'm in but when I push back again he lets me. The hands attached to the strong arms move down my sides and grab my hips. I know this is as far back as I'll be able to pull away. A mere six inches. 

I'm slow to pull my eyes up, away from the cotton shirt, and see whose lap I'm sitting on. I'm allowed to go at my own pace. So that rules out Silas. I'm not shocked when gold charms, woven and clasped through over forty braids wink at me from a topknot. Lucian waits patient for me to meet his green eyes framed by dark lashes. I slowly trail my eyes down to his strong brows then down the center of his freckled nose. I've never noticed them before, they're cute. My eyes fall to his full lips then I finally bring them up to his kind eyes. His thumbs rub gentle circle into my hip bones.

"Where did you go?" His voice rumbles softly and I can feel the vibrations through my whole body.

My eyes remain on his but I distract myself by tracing my fingers over the textured skin of new scars. I have to clear my throat before I can get the words to come out. "I can't predict him anymore." Is all I can say before I feel my chest tighten back up.

Lucians grip tightens on me. "Predict who?" He coaxes me.

I take a deep breath and keep my eyes focused on Lucian. He's keeping me grounded, present. "If last night wasn't a fluke then that means the schedule of when I get torture is no longer set." I practically wheeze the last words out and Lucian changes his tight grip and soothing circles for slow strokes from my hip to my knees. It distracts me from the panic.

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