Chapter 5: Let the pain begin.

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Valdis Spyridon Aritiri


I look around as the other Quints quickly for up. There are 2 mixed, 3 all female, and 5 all male quints. 29 males and 21 females if we're counting me as a male that is. Shaking my head I quickly meet the Princes and notice they're all holding hands.

"What are we doing?" I ask standing in the only open spot between Lucian and Silas.

"Pushing power between all of us now grab on." Silas commands and I take a step back away from them.

"I'm not cleared to use my magic yet." I argue instantly, pulling my marked hands towards my body. I'm not given an option to escape when glowing green and orange eyes look to each other then meet my purple ones. They both lunge at me at the same time and grab my hands.

Power roars to life in my veins and my magic answers my distress. Colors race across my eyes and my plasma sparks to life. I barely manage to keep it contained to my own body sparks jumping across my shoulders and buzzing deafeningly in my ears. I can sense all the Quints around us run for cover. Streaks of Plasma arc into the sky above us as my stranglehold on my magic slips. Gritting my teeth I strangle it back down but the sparks still dance across my shoulders.

Professor Julia yell at the Princes to drain my power through our bond and to their credit they manage to a little. I can feel a horrible sucking sensation through our newly formed bonds and my magic decides it very much doesn't like that. Not at all.

This feels so wrong. My Plasma slowly starts creeping down my arms and I know that if it touches Lucian or Silas, I'll fry them. I have to let go. "This is gonna hurt." I mutter out. My magic wants to touch them so bad but it can't. I won't let it. Lucian and Silas grip my hands tighter as if they know what I'm about to do, but they're too late.

My body flies through the air as my magic backlashes against me. I come to a stop when my back slams against the wall twenty feet behind us and my Plasma sparks around me in a violent light show as pain radiates through my metal spine. I collapse onto my stomach pressing my face into the concrete floor beneath me to keep my scream in my throat. Colors swirl around my senses as my fingernails break against the floor, clawing at control. Control over the pain, the plasma, control over anything. My magic agrees with my request and the golden soul cords connect from every living thing in the room and places those lives into my hands. Golden cords wrap around my splayed fingers. I fight against every instinct my body has to keep from making a fist and ripping.

Slowly I feel it. A warmth against my jaw and right ear. Atlas. His earring biting off the sharpest point of my pain. Finally able to catch my breath my magic calms at a snails pace. The soul cords fading away from sight and the buzzing of my Plasma stops. Taking a few more breaths to make sure I'm completely calm, I try to lift from the ground but the pain rears back up.

"Stay down lad and let me heal you first." My eyes meet Professor Alister's glowing gold eyes. His hands glowing with his magic as he reaches for my back.

"No." My voice comes out weak at first and I clear my broken throat. "Don't heal me. It was honestly just a scratch." I force myself to sit up, my face remains a blank mask. Professor Alister reaches for me again and I stand quickly out of his reach.

"You didn't tell Dean Whyriss that you're a Reaper Prince Valdis." Professor Julia says stopping Professor Alister from grabbing me and healing me despite my refusal. I turn a questioning glance on her and tilt my head.

"A Reaper?" My scratchy voice mutters. "I don't understand? I haven't come across that classification in any of my studies." A frown curls my lips downwards.

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