Chapter 12: Nobody Likes a Spy

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Valdis Spyridon Aritiri

Present, Thursday Night

The clock ticks closer to my demise reading 23:37. The school grounds are nowhere in sight. What the hell is taking so long? 

"Ray?" I whisper to him in the drivers seat of the EMC. "Are we almost there?" The princes are all sound asleep and I don't want to risk waking them.

"Should be there in the next fifteen minutes." He whispers back to me picking up on me not wanting to wake the others. 

That's cutting it way too close. The crystal clock reads 23:41. "I think I'll get out here. My girlfriend wants to see me before she goes to sleep." Thank you Sin for agreeing to this charade.

"If you're sure." Ray says as he pulls over looking into the trees on either side of the road. I manage to slip past Callum and open the door but when I go to step out a hand snags my arm.

"Where do you think you're going?" Callum grumbles in a sleepy voice waking Kyro in the seat behind him. Glowing golden and blue eyes stare at me.

"Sin wants to see me, and rather than making Ray drive us all over the place like some chauffeur, I decided to get out here and walk." Ray grumbles his thanks and I pull away from Callum give a slight wink then shut the door before they can say anything else. Golden eyes never leaving my face. The EMC takes off and I let out a sigh of relief. That worked better than I thought it would.

I step into the woods quickly and get as far away from the road as possible. I'll need to find a new sanctuary for tonight and quickly since my normal one is on the other side of the campus. I won't be sleeping tonight if I plan to get back in time for the debrief in the morning. I haven't been able to sleep much at all lately. The earring is doing wonders for that but the signs are starting to become more evident. 

I find a place. It isn't as far away from the road as I would like but it's enough. For tonight it'll have to be. It's a small clearing in the woods, the trees pushed back far enough that I wont have to worry about them catching on fire when my Plasma sparks to life. I don't have long to prepare. I'm about to remove my tactical belt from my combat uniform when a twig snaps in the brush around me. Plasma sparks across my shoulders and light the area around me up.

"Who's there?" My voice, raspy with damage, comes out cold. The coldest my voice has ever sounded in my life. My Plasma hits the area close to where I heard the twig snap, just out of my range, and a gasp sounds from the tree close to it.

"Cool your jets Valdis." Callum's voice sounds from behind me and I spin around looking from him to the tree I just shot at. My eyes wide with panic go back and forth from Callum to the tree. I know someone is there.

"We just wanted to see what you were up to?" Kyro says and stalks from behind the tree, walking over to Callum and leans against him.

"You've been acting Shady since you got here and we're getting to the bottom of this tonight." Silas says as he comes form behind another tree. I can't sense any of them while I keep the bond closed.

"Are all of you here? Stalking me?" I hiss out at them unable to contain my emotions. I'm panicking and it's coming out as anger. Lucian answers my question by coming out of the woods and standing behind Callum and Kyro. He arches his eyebrow at me as if I'm the one who has explaining to do. I look at my watch and it reads 23:56. Fuck. "You all need to leave right now. My business is mine and no one else's." I keep spinning in frantic circles to look at all four of them. "Please, I promise we can talk about everything but you all need to go. Now."

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