Chapter 10: Lies are better than the Truth.

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Valdis Spyridon Aritiri


I have no idea where I'm going. I just need to get away from prying eyes. I need to fall apart by myself. The pain is so intense. I didn't realize how much the enchantment took the pain away until right now. In this moment I understand how much the enchantment helped. I heard a crack then felt all of it again.

How did I survive this for so long with nothing but myself?

My shoulder hits a tree shooting more pain through my body. I grab onto the trunk for support then double over and hurl my guts up. Silent sobs leave my throat and my breath won't stop heaving. In. Out. In. Out. I'm breathing way too quickly. Bending over hurts more so I pull myself upright. The scent of my own bile is making me more nauseous. I take no more than four steps forward before my knees hit the earth.

Something is wrong. My back never hurt this badly.

Sweat covers my body but my limbs are chilled. Shock? My breathing keeps heaving in and out of my body and my vision swims. Anger fills my body and I rip the earring from my ear. I go to throw it but stop short and tuck it into one of my many pockets instead. Real sobs finally break from my lips. My forehead hits the ground.

"I'm sorry Atlas." I choke out through my ruined throat. A cough wracks my entire body sending more pain through me. I can feel the flesh tear on my back and a silent scream leaves me. My magic runs through my body but refuses to leave me and I wonder why until a voice sends me flinching.

"Valdis, what the fuck?" Lucian comes into view his glowing green eyes tracking the tears on my face to the position I'm in. Prone if you're wondering.

"I'm fine, go away." I whisper out, turning my face into the dirt and gritting my teeth. My stomach rolls and I dry heave into the ground.

"Not a chance pretty boy." Silas calls from my other side. I'm too tired to look at him. "Let's go." I'm assuming he's talking to Lucian because if not fuck him.

A broken scream rips from my lips when Silas and Lucian lift me off the ground from under my shoulders. My legs too weak to hold me. We start heading in some directions that I'm in too much pain to deal with. I have no idea where they're taking me.

"We're almost at the house, be ready." Silas talks into his eCrystal. "Lucian said something about his enchantment breaking." Silas pauses but their sprint doesn't. "I see the house." He hangs up and they both almost break the door down in their rush. I'd be touched but I'm trying to stay conscious.

Kyro and Callum are both standing in the living room. Callum has potions flooding his arms and Kyro's hands are glowing gold reaching for me. "No." I try to shout but can't manage the energy for it. I try to pull from Silas and Lucian but it's no use. Kyro places his hands on my waist and I melt. I melt into his chest burying my face into his neck. The pain goes away. All of it. We slowly sink to our knees. I've never felt this good in my entire life. Not that I can remember. A groan leaves my lips. Bliss.

Something wet hits my shoulder and I pull back slightly to see what. Kyro's face comes into view and he's... He's crying. Why is he crying? I tilt my head in confusion and reach my hand out to wipe his tears then pause before I touch him. I can't touch him. A frown forms on my face. Then it clicks. HE'S TOUCHING ME!

I fling myself away from him falling backwards onto my ass and elbows. Kyro's breathing like he just did our combat training workout five times without stopping. The pain is back and I grit my teeth, a different groan leaving.

"I told you not to touch me." I heave out. Kyro's head flings up and he glares at me.

"Have you just been walking around with that much pain since you got here? What the hell was that Valdis?" Kyro shouts at me, crawling to his feet and stalks towards me. He's pissed.

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