Chapter 11: Magic go Zappy Zap

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The attacks come from all sides at the same time and my Plasma pulses out of me in a wave sending all the Flickers flying away from me. The scent of burning flesh and ozone fills the air. They recover, which I didn't expect at all. The voltage I used would have killed a horse and here they are jumping back onto feet that are no longer pretending to be weak. One launches at me and I dodge, barely. Thank you Professor Locke. The next one hits me square in the chest and I fly back through the air hitting a tree. Plasma arcs from my core and zaps the bastard away from me. Another one jumps at me and I slide to the left sending the Flickers body crashing through the tree. The trees falls to the earth with a loud 'boom' and I get to my feet quickly. Holy shit. How strong are they?

I try to lead them towards Zoa's house back to my Quint but I can't, they're already leading me further into the woods. Not allowing me to take a single step towards the house.

A stabbing pain shoots through my left calf and a broken scream roars from my throat. A Flicker is biting me, I can feel my soul start to pull from my body and the panic finally gets to me. I'm in actual danger here. I grab the foul creature by it's face and pour my Plasma, amping it up to the highest voltage I can. It shrieks then explodes. Blood and guts fall off my shoulders and face, sparks lighting up all over my body and a shake flows through my limbs.

"That was disgusting." I say as I pull the Flicker's skin off my face. I don't have time to recover before I'm slammed into the ground by my face, my nose crunches on the impact but I don't have time to focus on it when razor sharp teeth are digging into my right shoulder. My Plasma shoots out of me at the same voltage as before and another Flicker explodes.

Good magic.

I don't get more than my knees under me before I'm being kicked in the side, my ribs shatter on impact, and I fly through the air coming to an abrupt stop against another tree. The air is knocked out of me and my lungs scream for oxygen, blood seeping from my mouth. Breathing isn't an option when two Flickers come at me at the same time. Teeth sinking into my forearm the other bites my shin. Their strong jaws grind my bones against one another. My magic is slower to respond this time and I have to force it through my veins. They both let out a horrible shriek then I'm showered in their matter. I spit flesh from my open mouth, the coppery taste disgusting and finally suck some oxygen into my lungs.

Where the fuck is everyone?

I'm blindsided by another Flicker when it punches me in the jaw. My vision goes dark but I refuse to black out. I refuse to die here. The Regent tried to shred my soul and failed. His guards tried to destroy my body and failed. These damn creatures will not succeed where he failed. They won't. They can't.

Teeth sink into my side and my magic flares again. The Flicker explodes. I'm starting to get a little cold form all this... liquid... on me. 

How many Flickers was that? Five?

A foot presses down on my wrist and a crunch sounds. I'm grabbed by my black and white curls and pulled up from the ground. Teeth sink into my throat and another sink into my thigh and left hand. I can feel my soul being sucked from me more forcefully. My magic sparks at an even slower pace, another set of teeth bite into my lower back and my magic all but putters out.

I'm going to die.

My eyes slowly fall closed. My body giving up the fight. No. NO! My magic roars to life again and four 'pops' sound in the night. I crash to my knees holding myself up with my good arm and heave breath in and out of my lungs. My eyes slowly look around me searching for the last Flicker and I see it running into the woods. Escaping. Not on my watch. My magic arcs from my hand and slams into the Flicker, it explodes on impact. No loose ends.

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