Chapter 13: We're Terrible Spies

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Kyro Ecicordus Kazetani

Yesterday, Thursday Night In the EMC

My mind keep wondering bac to the couch when I healed Valdis. All of his injuries were conclusive of being attacked by the Flickers. Except his spine. There's something wrong about it. Yes he had fresh injuries there, but there were other really old ones too. Deep scars in his skin all the way to the bone. And there was something foreign too. Something that didn't belong, like the skin was trying to reject it.

I felt something similar Tuesday night when Lucian broke his enchantment but it was hidden behind the waves of pain pouring off him. Tonight I got a better feel of the foreign object but I still have no idea what it could be.

I don't know anything about Valdis except what the stupid tabloids say. Those same tabloids have blasted lies about the rest of us. From I've seen thought is that Valdis works hard and keeps to himself. He would rather suffer in silence than tell anyone of his pain.

That's when it hits me. The four of us will have to figure out what he's hiding ourselves because Valdis will never tell us what's going on.

Valdis whispering to Ray causes me to lean my head back against the leather seat and feign sleeping. I can feel his gaze brush over my face before whispering again with Raymond. The EMC pulls over and Valdis shuffles over Callum and out the door. I can feel Callum's amusement through the bond before I hear him move.

"Where do you think you're going?" Callum rumbles causing my eyes to open in curiosity. My gaze landing on glowing purple eyes then trail down his handsome face to where Callum grips Valdis's arm.

Valdis speaking causes my eyes to snap back up to his face and I watch his as he tells Callum some lie. I know it's a lie because his face shows too much desperation to be anything else but a lie. There's fear in his eyes. Then the door cuts my gaze off and the EMC starts moving. I look over my shoulder and see his tall form through the back window and Valdis's shoulders sagging as we drive over the hill has me shouting.

"Stop!" I roar. Silas and Lucian, the only two not awake, jerk violently in their seats. "Stop the EMC. We're getting out." Three confused eyes fall on me and I just shake my head at the others. I'll tell them when we get out.

"If you insist." Ray shrugs and pulls over for the second time. We all pile out of the car and the others stand around waiting until we see the tail lights fade in the distance.

"What's going on?" Silas questions as I start walking back down the road where Valdis got out of the EMC. "Where's the Lazy Prince?" His footsteps right behind mine.

"That's what were going to find out." I call over my shoulder then turn back to the path looking for any sign that he walked this way. "Lucian?" I turn to the big guy. "Think you can track him?"

"Definity." He rumbles and steps in front of me, leading the way through the foliage.

"Kyro, what's going on?" Callum speaks this time, concern bleeding into his voice.

I pull the rubber band from my hair and retie the loose white strands away from my face. "Something isn't adding up and I'm tired of waiting for Valdis to tell us what's going on. I know we haven't told him much about ourselves either but I get the feeling that something is really wrong." Something is def wrong.

"Okay. Let's talk to him then get home. I don't want us to be late for the debrief." Silas nods at Lucian and we keep walking, this time in silence.

Some time passes before we see him. Standing all alone in a random clearing. Our silent plan is to fan out and surround him but I get too caught up in him when his hand trails down to his belt. I slip forward from my hiding spot and break a stick. I have zero time to react before Plasma scorches the earth three feet in front of me and a gasps escapes my throat. Holy fuck. I almost died.

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