Chapter 7: Sheep are not wolves.

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Valdis Spyridon Aritiri

Four days later.

My face Slams against the side of Academy. It's a jarring experience, especially when you're not expecting it. The building is softer then most of the guards boots though so I take it like a champ. My head is pulled back by my white and black curls and my face is slammed into the Academy again.

Don't kill him. Don't kill him. Don't kill him.

My magic pouts and I'm suddenly staring at the blue sky. Silas's Orange eyes come into view. It looks like he's done pretending he doesn't want to hurt me.

"You remember when I told you there would be consequences for breaking the rules right?" He asks as he pulls me off the ground by the lapels of my uniform. He shoves me into Lucians arms and the big guy holds me up. I nod my head at him. "Tell me Lazy Prince, why are you being punished?" Silas growls the question at me.

"I was absent for the first class." I rasp out. Continuous nights subjected to the Iron Coffin is tearing my body apart from the inside out and I slept through my alarm because of it. Silas confirms my answer by punching me in the gut and I double over making no sound. Lucian keeping me from falling to the ground. Silas leans down to my ear.

"Are you going to miss a class again?" He questions. When I shake my head he punches me in the gut again, Lucian lets go causing me to fall to the ground. "See that you don't. I'd hate to break your pretty face again."

He's probably extra pissed because I miss our class 'Duties". He's such a stiff. All royal students and high ranking officials have these bogus classes on Fridays. I tilt my head backwards looking between Lucian's legs and see the other two Princes. Kyro won't look at me. Callum is frowning. Neither of them make any move to stop our other bond mates and a sigh leaves my lips. I can feel Lucias looking at me, his gaze moves to my ear and I can feel him glare when Atlas's earring heats and bites part of my pain off. When I don't move to get up Silas snarls and storms off. The other three following behind him. I wonder how long it will take for the others to join Silas in hurting me too.

Thank Gods it's Friday and I can leave campus and meet up with Sir Howin in the college town a couple miles over. We really need to go through all of Atlas's research. I want to nail Regent Lukadious before my 22nd birthday in four months, when I'm eligible to ascend the throne. I don't know how long it's going to take for him to figure out where I am and the waiting is making me twitchy.

Classes are done for the day. The weekend ours to do with as we please.

I don't bother heading to the house, instead I head to the front gate. Sir Howin already waiting in a sleek EMC. I flop into the passenger seat and rattle the location of the house to him. He nods and we take off.

Twenty minutes later we stop the EMC out side a medium sized cabin in the woods outside of the college town. I get out first and walk to the door putting the key into lock and turning. The sound of several locks turning sounds and I push the door open. Boxes line the every available counter and I pull the lid off the closest one, documents are inside. Sir Howin comes up beside me and peers into the box over my shoulder then looks around the room.

"We're going to need some help Princess. Is there anyone you trust?" He asks looking into my eyes. "Maybe your Quint?" He adds.

"No." I say immediately. "The less people that know, the better." I turn away from him and pace. "But." I start pausing my forward and back walk. "There might be one." I say and pull my eCrystal from my pocket and place it against my ear. The person on the other line answers on the first ring. "Are you alone?" I ask and a 'yes' answers me back. "If your Prince asks you for a favor what would your answer be?"

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