Well, I Guess We Can Try Again

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He swings his blade at the ogre's head, slashing through the sinew and muscle with little difficulty. He grimaces as his longsword decapitates the creature, some of the gristle landing on his cheek, he grunts in displeasure as the ogre falls with a muted thud. He wipes his blade of the gore and places it in the sheathe on his back "Seems every day it just gets worse and worse, what is going on?" He stuffs the head into his bag and throws it ver his shoulder. He sighs a little and starts walking over to the head of the town, raising his voice a little. "Problem solved, sir" The town head swipes his sweaty brow and stutters out "Th-thank you, kind s-sir, you've done us all a gr-great favor."

 Caine nods and the town head pays him the money, and Caine stows the bag of coins under his cloak, he bids the man farewell and walks away. As he heads out the gate he spots a familiar crop of red hair and sighs. When she sees him, she immediately walks over, her mouth set in a hard line; "It seems we keep running into each other." Caine says as she walks to him "You stole my bounty you oaf! How did you hear about this?!" She repeatedly pokes him in the chest.

 He growls and grabs her by the wrist "From Jameson, he's my contact for bounties, he thought I'd be interested in keeping the town safe, because I do have a few friends here." She huffs "Fine, I can accept that, and I now consider you my rival, your name." Caine raises an eyebrow "It's considered common courtesy to introduce yourself before asking for another's name, but, for your convenience, my name is Caine Grief." He sets his bag with the head of the ogre down and sticks his hand out to her, which she takes and shakes firmly once. "My name is Naomi Tono, a pleasure to meet you, Caine" She lets his hand go, nods, and turns to walk away.

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