Wyrm's Fire

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As Caine and Naomi trekked through the mountains, they ran into a few monsters which they killed easily. They reached the entrance to a cave soon after. "Wait here" Naomi said, Caine nods as she walks inside the cave, her form soon disappeared into the inky blackness, when she returns, she is flanked by two other women, both armed to the teeth. Caine's eyes rose in surprise as they follow her. He could tell these women weren't the slum goers he was expecting, but warriors, possibly ex-military. "Caine, this is  Vanessa and Sasha, my two most trusted warriors, they defected from the military" Caine nods slowly and looks the two women over "Alright, I'm Caine Grief, Naomi's lover." They both giggle into their hands as Naomi turns bright red "C-Caine!" He just laughs "Just telling the truth love." She grumbles as her cheeks turn bright red, and Caine chuckles again.

"A-Anyways, let's go inside." The rest of them nod and start walking, Vanessa in the front, Caine and Naomi in the middle, with Sasha heading up the back, the cave was very old. In the back he could hear faint music, perplexed he opened his mouth to ask a question, which Naomi answered before he could say anything. "Yes, that is music, the rebellion does it's best to keep morale up, and almost everyone knows one or two musical instruments." Caine simply nods, then his brow furrows "Wait, wouldn't the music attract monsters or other dangers?" Naomi shakes her head, her red hair shaking "Surprisingly, no, the music doesn't reach past the cave entrance, we haven't been able to understand why." Caine nods, stroking his chin in thought "Interesting, very interesting" Naomi smiles and moves to the front of the line, leading them to a path leading from the main cave.

"Caine, you must be quiet, this is very important, he's very temperamental." Caine raises an eyebrow in question, but nods, staying quiet. As they round the corner, Caine's heart skips a beat as his eyes focus on the large red dragon in front of him.

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