Out Of The Frying Pan, And Into The Fire

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(A/N: I'm sorry for my absence, I have been dealing with a lot of roadblocks and writer's block, please forgive me, and continue to read, and enjoy, my creation)

The lead guardsman grins as he stalks towards Caine and Naomi. "Well well, two rats in a trap" "Dolan, a pleasure, what is the reason for a visit from the king's royal cocksucker?" Dolan growls and steps forth, his blade drawn "Your heads, that's what I require" "You might have some trouble, seeing as they are still attached to our shoulders" Caine grins and unsheathes his blade, Naomi smirks and draws her short-swords "We'll see about that soon enough!" With a cry Dolan swung at Caine, who brought his blade up to intercept it, while Naomi dives into the group of guards. Cutting her way through, her blades quickly becoming drenched in blood as the inexperienced fodder cried out in pain as she reached the other side of the alley. Caine smirks at Dolan, who scowls. "I guess that's my cue to leave" He dashes to the side and jumps on the wall to leap across the guards lying on the floor, dead "Ah, too bad Dolan, maybe next time" He runs down the street to catch up to Naomi as Dolan, recovering from the initial shock growls and storms after them, he curses when he sees they've disappeared "Well Dolan, this is a fine mess you've made" He says to himself and walks back in the direction of the castle to make his report.

Naomi giggles as they walk through the alleyways to avoid the guards "So that's Dolan huh? Looks to be quite the bitch" Caine chuckles "Do not underestimate him, he's a dangerous foe, He was my friend in the academy, and he's a very capable fighter, if we had stayed, I would have needed your help to take him" Naomi looks at him surprised "Really? Wow, that good?" Caine nods "Huh, I didn't expect that" Caine smiles and pats her head "Well, guess it's time to ditch this town" Naomi sighs "Yeah, guess so, not exactly safe to stay here, huh?" "No, it's not, I'm sorry" "It's ok, at least I've got you" Caine grins "Indeed you do my sweet." Naomi blushes "A-anyways, let's go!" She runs off to the gates as Caine chuckles and follows her.

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