The Things That Are Done

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He walks out, laughter still in his eyes, his mood sobers when he sees the condition of where Naomi lived. Slums, that was the only word that would befit the condition of the area, people were huddling together in corners, small pit fires littered the streets, presumably to keep warm and monsters away, as the walls provided no comfort in that regard. She steps out and notices the look of distaste on his face "Don't you dare pity me, Grief, I chose this, I can help these people, it's why I stay here, instead of some castle like you live in." He then turns on her, a scowl on his face "I have no home, no place to call my own, don't just assume things you don't understand" As his ire rose she hears a small humming*. He turns and walks out of the slums, leaving her shame-faced and disgusted with herself.

A few hours pass and Caine has already found himself locked in another battle, this time with a group of bandits. "Come on, this one'll be easy pickin's!" One shouts in glee. "That sword'll pay for a pretty penny indeed."  Caine smirks "Well, if you think it will be easy, come then. Test your mettle" One of the bandits swings a nasty barbed looking dagger, which Caine easily sidesteps, grabbing the bandit's hand and throwing him into a group of the petty thieves. Another screams in rage, and swipes at Caine with two blades, he keeps stepping back, further infuriating the bandit, and his swipes and swings start to get sloppy, to the point where Caine simply grabs his arms and bends his wrists back, breaking them, the highwayman howls in pain, dropping the blades. "Come now, I thought I was 'easy pickin's', surely you can do better than this" He unsheathes his long sword, which starts to glow a dark red, the bandits all look at each other, and nod, rushing at Caine, screaming all the while.

A total of ten minutes pass, and the bodies of the bandits lay scattered across the road, the ground soaking up their blood, which Caine cleans off his own blade. he simply sighs, and picks up the bag of heads, walking off into the horizon.

(*A/N: Cookies to who can guess what that humming was)

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