Dragons Are Real?!

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"What, what the hell?" Caine slowly mouthed. Naomi giggled softly "What, never seen a dragon before?" He shakes his head slowly "N-no, never, he's, so large, and his scales, h-how is this possible, I thought all the dragons died in the great war?" Naomi's face sours, and she nods "They did, all except for this one, his name is Ryaqum Flame-Smasher The Diamond Hoarder. We found him as an egg, his mother dead next to it." Caine grimaces, as he had heard the story one too many times, and nods slowly. "I see, well, is he, awake?" He asked carefully, not sure of which answer he wants to hear "No" Naomi answered "He's asleep, and he'll stay asleep until I wake him, he kinda sees me as his mother" Caine's eyes shoot open even wider with surprise "A-ah, I see." Naomi nods slowly.

"Uh, how old is he?" Caine asked "Four" Naomi responded "But he's so large, how did he get so big?!" Caine asked, shock still apparent in his voice. "So, what do we do now?" He asked "We plan." He raises an eyebrow "Ok, well, what's our plan?" She gives a little knowing smirk "We use Ryaqum to smash their defenses then attack, easy enough" He chuckles "Pretty simple" The dragon stirs slightly, making Caine jump, Naomi giggles softly, poking fun at him "What's wrong big guy, scared?" He growls softly "Don't be ridiculous, he just surprised me is all" Naomi smirks "Ok, suuuuuure, anyways, come on" She leads them out of the cavern room to the main cave room to introduce him to the rebellion. After she does so, she leads him to her room to rest for the next day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2018 ⏰

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