Heaven Is With Her

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He couldn't stop staring at her, the girl he fell for, the girl with a short temper, but would do anything for you in order to keep you safe. She smiles at him, the man she had come to love, knowing about the darker side he kept inside, bound by his blade. A near constant struggle, but with each passing moment a victory, he came to enjoy life with more vigor. She finished mixing the spices for the stew, pouring the mixture of meat and vegetables into two wooden bowls, she then grabs two spoons, and brings them to the table. Giving a waiting and hungry Caine a quick kiss before placing his bowl in front of him, she says "So, any news from the other bounty hunters?" He nods "Yeah, I heard from Chance, Leon, and Bron, they'll be coming over with a few other friends later to discuss tactics, siegework, and guerilla warfare." She chuckles a little. "Never thought we'd see so much support for this." "Well, if a system doesn't work, you gotta have people to fix it" She nods, and sighs in content.

He stands after finishing his meal, kissing her forehead along the way to the sink, she cries out in indignation, and swats at him "Jeez, why do you do that?" He chuckles "Because you always react the same way, my dear." She blushes slightly and scowls, folding her arms. "Yeah, wel-" She was interrupted by a knock on the door, Caine swiftly went to answer it, when he opened it, a woman stood at the door, a young petite thing of 17, Sera. Surprise was etched onto Caine's scarred face "Sera, it's a bit late, why aren't you home?" "Mister Grief, you and Naomi must leave, some of the king's men are here, asking for you two." Caine cursed, and grabbed his blade from it's place on the wall. "Naomi, we gotta go, the king's men are here." He bellowed from the door, Naomi was there in a flash, swords and a pack of supplies already in hand. "Ready." She looked to Sera. "Get to your home, stay inside, stay safe, go!" Sera sprinted away, and Caine started moving towards the back, Naomi following behind. "I didn't expect them so soon" Caine nods, and they open the door, running into a vanguard of the king's soldiers. The head guard gives them a crooked smile. "Well, well, look who decided to join us boys."

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