CHAPTER 34 - I Can't Take Back What's Been Done

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I'm so fucking sorry for the long wait but I have this huge project due in a week and I forgot about it so I had to get started and stuff...

Shit goes down in this chapter woofwoof.

lol wot idek why I said that.

I should probably stop talking.

Okay... On with the story..



"Hurry," Harry hustled us as we got off the stage at the end of the concert. It was surely fun and took my mind off of things but as soon as we stepped backstage all of my thoughts and emotions came rushing back to me.

"Okay, can you please explain to us what the fuck is going on?" Zayn asked. Harry shook his head to himself and looked down. "Just please... Please hurry," he replied quietly, his voice cracking. We all exchanged some silent glances and hurried out of the building, and back to the bus.

Harry literally threw the door open, only to reveal Paul standing a few feet away. "Paul! Where is she?!" Harry exclaimed, startling Paul. "In her bed... Aislinn is watching her," Paul answered. Aislinn is one of our stylists.

We all followed Harry to the bunks, still confused on what was happening. "Thanks, Aislinn, I can take it from here," Harry said. The 27 year old blonde woman nodded and left us with my girlfriend... I mean - ex girlfriend. I'm still having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact we're broken up.

Harry stood beside the bunk bed and peered into Reese's bunk, as she was in the middle one. Reese looked awful... As if she were sick.

Harry's hands curled into fists as he tried to maintain himself. "Why did you do it?" he asked through gritted teeth. I furrowed my eyebrows as I watched the scene unfold.

Reese gulped, and I could tell because a lump ran down her throat. "D-Do what?" she croaked. Harry slammed his fist against the pole of the bedframe. "God damnit, Reese, you know what I'm talking about! I found your 'sunglasses' in the washroom!" he roared, putting air quotes around "sunglasses".

Her eyes widened at her older brother, who was starting to scare me a little. "I... I'm sorry I..." she stuttered, fearfully, tears gathering in her beautiful hazel eyes.

"I can't believe you could be so stupid! Don't you see what it's done to you?!" Harry snarled, ignoring her comment. "Hey, hey, hey, easy mate," Josh said, daring to place his hand on Harry's shoulder. "Yeah, you're scaring the poor girl. And us," Niall said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Besides, what did she do that was so bad anyways?" Liam quizzed. "Do YOU want to tell them, or should I?" Harry sneered. She hastily wiped away her tears, trying to not make it noticeable. He took her silence as a que and blurted out, "Reese took drugs."

The room fell silent after that. Nobody uttered a word. Reese looked down, avoiding eye contact with anybody, while the rest of us just stood there, shocked.

"Wh-what?" I said, breaking the tension. "And this wasn't the first time either, was it?! That time you were acting all loopy and we didn't know why... It was then too, huh?" Harry scoffed at his sister.

She squeezed her eyes shut and finally reopened them, but this time, she made eye contact with... Me.

"Yes, I took them then too," she admitted.

I gulped away the knot in my throat. "What were they?" I questioned. Reese simply shrugged, "I-I don't even know."

Harry laughed humorlessly. "Oh, that's even fucking better. Taking drugs that you don't even know what the bloody hell they are," he snorted.

"Why, darling? Why would you... Why?" Liam stammered, softly, trying to be sensible to her side of the situation. He reached into her bunk, which we've all crowded around, and placed his hand over hers, to soothe her I believe.

"Because... The description sait it relieves stress and calms you down... I was going through so much shit and I panicked..." she mumbled. "That doesn't make it fucking okay!" Harry growled.

"I know! I know, Harry, and I really fucking regret it but guess what? I can't take back what's been done," she breathed.


A/N: haaaiii, how y'all doin? :)

I've recently discovered Connor Franta on YouTube... if you don't know him I suggest you watch his videos because he's hilarious and gorgeous okay.

#2DaysTilTheWay omf it's gonna be amazing :o

QOTD: if you could have any name, what would it be?

10+ likes and 5+ comments? Please give me feedback on this chapter so I know how to improve and know if y'all like this or not.. :)

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