CHAPTER 31 - Moping

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The next morning was quite bizarre. Reese hadn't come out of her bunk yet, though we knew she was awake because we could hear her tapping away on her phone. Louis was moping around the bus, just like I have ever since Cher and I's split. Speaking of which, the boys still don't know why we called things off.

Zayn still hasn't woken up, so he was snoozing away in his bed. Liam has seemingly gotten over Danielle, but it's during those silent moments where he just has a blank look on his face when I wonder if he truly has. Harry seems a bit... Anxious. Over what, I'm not sure. He also seems quite stressed. Josh is the only one acting normal around here.

So I sat alone, on the couch, watching the screen play in front of me, with a bowl of Lucky Charms cereal in my hands - Shut up with the leprechaun jokes, I know what you're all thinking.

The bus was almost completely silent, which sucked, because the tour was nearly over and I wanted to make the best of it.

I heard a shifting noise and I felt the couch sink down a little from a newly gained weight. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Louis now sitting beside me. He still looked as bitter as before , not even bothering to acknowledge me as he watched the TV.

"Hey, Lou," I said, my mouth full. "Hello," he mumbled. Well, isn't he just a ray of sunshine today?

"How's it... How's it going?" I asked, cautiously. I didn't want to trigger anything in his head. "Honestly? Horrible. It's been one night and I already miss her so much, mate. And she sleeps in the bunk above me! And it makes me realize... I won't be able to take it when she goes to university. Especially if she goes to NYU or UBC," he sighed.

I gulped. "Aw, that sucks, man. Do you want me to talk to her? See what's going through her mind right now?" I offered. Louis' eyes glistened with a spark of hope. "Would you?" he asked. I smiled crookedly. "Of course."

"Thank you so much, Ni," Louis said, pulling me in for a hug. As we pulled out, his smile faded and he looked at me with a strange look. "Say, whatever happened with you and Cher? I'd love to try and help you out in return..." Louis said, his voice trailing off.

I bit down on my lip. I couldn't tell him. I'd have to wait until Cher wants to. "Erm, we were having issues. But thanks anyways." Louis odder in understandment.

I finished up my cereal real quick and left the bowl in the sink. Then I grabbed a granola bar and strolled into the bunkroom.

When I entered, Zayn's curtain was closed, and I could hear him lightly snoring. Harry was laying in his bunk, his laptop on his knees. He acknowledged me by giving me the simple "chin nod". I climbed up the ladder and hopped into Reese's bunk, which was only half closed.

"Hey, honey. How're you feeling?" I asked, still clutching the little breakfast bar in my hand. "Fine," she offhandedly mumbled, clicking her phone shut so she could talk to me properly.

"I brought you something..." I said, handing her the granola bar. She forced a tiny smile at me and took it in her hands. "Thanks," she mumbled.

We half-laid, half-sat in her bunk in silence for a few moments. I knew Harry was watching, because I had glanced over at him a mere two seconds ago. "Look, do you want to talk?" I sighed.

Her head snapped to me but she remained emotionless. I could see her struggling to keep it that way. "There's nothing to talk about," she said, bitterly. "Reese, Louis-" "Louis doesn't care," she interrupted. I cocked my eyebrow at her. "Oh, yeah? And how would you know?"

"You should've seen his face, Ni. He didn't care at all," she mumbled. At this point, Harry climbed out of his bunk and walked out of the room, giving us one last glance before he left. "Love, of course he did! Why else would he run off to a bar?" I reassured her.

She ran a hand through her hair in frustration. "Fine. You wanna hear what I really think?" she asked, raising her eyebrows slightly. I nodded, zipping my mouth shut.

"Alright. I think Louis is being incredibly immature. Where I go to school will change my life. He was being too selfish to realize that. Also, lately, he's been pretty much ignoring me. Do you know how much it hurts to love someone with all of your heart and all they do is ignore you?!" she exclaimed, through tears.

I opened my mouth to reply, but she kept talking. "And you know, I don't even know why he was mad at me in the first place. I didn't do SHIT to that boy," she snarled. By now, the tears were leaking faster, but she tried to stay calm.

Out of instinct, I pulled her in for a hug and let her tears soak up my shirt. She didn't hesitate to hug me back. "Shh, shh, let it out," I whispered, stroking her back.


A/N: so, you might be wondering, "Why post a chapter so early on a Saturday?". Well, I'm hitting the mall later with my friends so I won't have time to write later. You're welcome ;)

QOTD: How do you feel about Taylor Swift?

I love you all sosososo much and thanks for reading x

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