CHAPTER 8 - Five Words

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"Hey, Perrie..."


"Reese, do you mind?" I whispered, not rudely, though. She nodded, understandingly, and left the suite.Most-likely back to hers and Louis'.

"Z-Zayn," she choked out. Her voice trembled... as if she was crying?

"Babe, what's wrong?" I asked, worriedly. "Don't even, Zayn! How could you do this to me?" she asked, in barely a whisper.

I bit my lip, running a hand through my hair and tugging at it a little.

"Perrie, if you're talking about th-" "Yes, Zayn. The article. I-I know about whatever you and R-Reese have going on," she blubbered. My eyes widened.

"Perrie, we don't have anyth-" "Zayn, that's not all I wanted to say."

I gulped. "Um, it isn't?" I asked.

"It isn't. Zayn, I've realized that ever since you went on tour two weeks ago... my trust for you has... decreased. I mean, girls practically throwing themselves at you and... and then this? Zayn, I love you... I still do... but I just think that with the distance and all... maybe we-"

oh no. oh NO. This isn't what I think it is, is it...?

"-maybe we need a break," she said.

I felt my whole body tense up. Just those five words. Five words. That's all it took to make my heart shatter and plumet to the core of the Earth.

"Perrie, wait, maybe we can work this out," I said, my voice cracking. "Zayn, please don't make this any harder than it already is. I still love you, Zayn, and I always will. I'll never forget you... you were my first love," she cried.

"I love you too, Perrie... forever and always," I said, weakly. I heard her begin to sob and I couldn't contain my tears any longer. I felt one spill. Then another. And another. And another.

"Goodbye, Zayn," she mumbled. "Goodbye, Perrie," I replied.

I heard the annoying buzzing noise come from my phone. She hung up. This it it. This is the end of us.

I leant against the wall, tears streaming down my face as I did.

I kept sliding my back down against the wall until my bum hit the floor. I hugged my knees to my chest and sobbed uncontrollabley to myself.


I walked out of Zayn and Liam's suite to give Zayn some privacy with his girlfriend.

I walked the short distance over to me and Lou's suite. Without knocking, I entered. Liam was sitting with Lou on the bed, talking about... whatever boys talk about.

"Hi-i," I singsonged as I plopped down next to my boyfriend.

 "Hey, beautiful," he hummed, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"-as I was saying... we really need to start investigating on who this stalker chick is," Liam said, giving me a glance as he did so. I felt my body tense up, and I'm sure Lou did too, because his grip tightened, protectively.

"Look, we'll get Paul to make sure nobody is near us during our private-time, alright?" Louis said. "Okay, I'll text him right now," Liam said, and then left our suite. I sighed, extending my arms and then falling onto the bed so I was laying down.

Louis followed in my footsteps and layed down beside me, and we both stared up at the ceiling.

"I'm gonna go take a shower," I mumbled, and left Louis before he could protest, or whine, or do anything cute to make my stay.

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