CHAPTER 39 - I Miss Him

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Two weeks. It's been two whole weeks since Louis and I broke up. To be honest, I expected for us to get back together already, but maybe we won't this time. Maybe he's moved on. Maybe I was just a fling.

As I tapped away on my phone, my eyes caught sight of the beautiful infinity ring Louis bought me for my birthday. Tears blurred my vision and I sadly wiped them away.

"This means, that no matter what happens to us, whether it's relationship wise or friendship wise, we will always be together in the heart," his voice echoed in my mind. "Because we, are infinite."

Lies. Were they all just lies? Because as I remember it, he said we'd remain friends if we broke up. But he hasn't even spoken to me since the break-up.

Maybe I should try talking to him. Or not. What if he doesn't love me anymore? But what if he does? I was practically arguing with myself in my head.

I sighed. Okay. I'm going to talk to Louis and tell him that I miss him. Maybe that will work. And even if we don't get back to being boyfriend and girlfriend, we might become friends again.

I finally grew the courage and went to find Louis. Instead, I found my brother sitting at the dining table in the kitchen with Liam and Ed and they were playing what looked like Texas Hold'em. (If you're wondering why they're getting along, remember the fight from chapter 38 happened A MONTH ago. Btw, Cher left already)

"Hey, Harry? Do you know where Louis is?" I asked. My brother looked up at me with a sad look on his face as he nervously bit down on his lip. "Yeah, he, um-"

The door of the bus swung open and in came Louis with... A girl?!?!

"Hey lads-" Lou stopped once his gaze landed on me. "Reese," he choked out. I gulped, swallowing down the saliva that had collected in my cheeks. "L-Louis," I stammered in acknowledgment. "Um, everybody, this is Faye Richardson.. My, uh, girlfriend," he nervously said.

If it were possible, you could hear my heart shatter like glass.

"Faye, this is Harry Styles, Ed Sheeran, Liam Payne, and, erm, Reese Styles... Harry's sister," Louis introduced. I couldn't help but feel jealous and, slightly offended. Is that all I am to him now? Harry's sister?

"Nice to meet you all," Faye smiled, warmly. She seemed nice but even her presence was enough to make my blood boil and my skin crawl.

Faye's pretty, though. She has curly blonde hair that falls halfway down her back, her fringe is in ringlets and perfectly shapes her face, which, by the way, was also perfectly structured; oval-shaped with a pointed chin and a high cheekbones. Her eyes were a gorgeous kind of green, much like Harry's, though hers looked of a lighter shade. Her eyebrows looked freshly plucked and had a great arch to them. Even her nose was high and thin.

Clearly her face isn't the only "attractive" part about her. She was really skinny, but not to the point where it was disgusting to look at. It was more like the kind you'd be jealous of. Her bum was tight and round and even her boobs were big. Gosh, I probably sound like a lesbian but I swear I'm not. She's also tall, maybe like, 5"8? A few inches taller than me.

"Pleasure is all ours," Liam said politely. Ed sent her a cute little smile whereas Harry didn't even put in the effort to do a simple chin nod. He had a complete poker face going on. I could only imagine that I had the same one on, or I might be just glaring at her.

"I'm a really big fan of your music," Faye said sweetly to Liam and Harry, then looked over at Ed. "Yours too." The three boys chimed with "thank you"s but Harry's sounded less sincere and more annoyed.

"So, Faye. Tell us a little about yourself," I said, bitterly. She didn't catch on to my fakeness and just obliged. "Well, I'm twenty years old, I'm French but I live in London because my work is there, and I'm here in Vancouver because my friends and I are going on a ski-trip," she happily said.

"Interesting. Where do you work?" I questioned. "Faye's a model," Louis interrupted. I looked at him with pain in my heart but I doubt he'd be able to see it. "That explains why you're so gorgeous," I said as nicely as I could. As much as I hate Louis right now, I have to try and play nice.

"Aw, thank you! That's so sweet but you're quite the stunner yourself, Reese," she exclaimed, sounding sincere. Truth is, I'd probably be friends with a girl like Faye but I won't, because she's now dating my ex-boyfriend. "Thank you," I mumbled with a fake smile.

"Reese, we should totally hang out together. I think we'd make great friends! What do you say we go shopping tonight while the boys are at their concert?" she beamed. A "danger" alarm was buzzing in my head. "Oh, no, sorry. I'd love to but I always watch the boys while they perform," I lied through gritted teeth.

"Oh, okay. What about tomorrow?" she asked, still not catching on to how fake I was being. I looked at Harry, Ed, Liam, and Louis who were watching with suspenseful eyes. Harry and Liam seemed to almost feel for me, Ed had his eyebrows raised, and Louis looked almost anxious.

"Sure," I said, not realizing what I was getting myself into. I would've felt bad if I said no... Damn myself for being a nice person.

"Great! I'll come by around twelve," she exclaimed, then took Louis' arm and dragged him away. The room fell silent once they were gone. The three boys were pretty much just looking at me with sympathy.

"I have to, um, go," I muttered and found my way to the bedroom. Niall and Zayn were inside, just talking. "Hey, Reese," Nialler greeted. Zayn shot me a smile but I ignored the both of them and climbed into my bunk, then shut the curtain. I could hear their low mumbles to each other before my curtain was ripped open and my eyes met two worried-looking boys.

"Are you alright?" Zayn asked. I couldn't take it anymore... I burst into tears right in front of them. I felt a pair of warm, strong arms wrap around my shoulder. "Hey.. Shh... Shh. What's wrong, love?" Niall cooed. I sniffled and tried to catch my breath.

"I... I miss him."



Shit's going down omg. But it'll be explained in the next chapter for those of y'all who haven't caught on. This is the Tina thing.


Omg you guys don't worry, I'm not actually Taylor Swift :'D

Just a heads up but this story is probably ending soon. As in 8-20 chapters lol, depends on how long I make the chapters. If you guys want a third book comment below.. It'll be about Reese in university and the boys back in London. If you don't want one I can just sum the whole story up in this book and write an epilogue I guess.

QOTD: anonymously describe your crush in the comments below. As in, don't name him (unless you want to then you go girl lol) but describe him. Everything about him, from his looks to his personality to whatever.

Here's mine. He's one of my very good guy friends, and we've been friends for about two years now. He has brown hair and the most GORGEOUS brown eyes. I know that sounds cliche but I shit you not they are beautiful. His laugh sounds a little weird but I love it anyways. His smile is cute and the good thing is, he's always smiling. He's a happy person. He's very friendly and talks to pretty much everybody. But he's also a huge flirt soo yeah. He's really athletic and smart too.. Like a jock and a nerd mixed in one. He's the 2nd hottest guy in my grade. His best friend is my best guy friend and he's the third hottest guy in my grade bahaha. He plays the saxophone.. ;) He has an obsession for cats lolol. Oh, and he's incredibly weird and silly but he's adorable okokok.

^if you read all of that you're amazing.

15+ likes for new chapter yayaya? Don't forget to comment if you want a third book and check of the Luke Brooks fanfic! Love you<3

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2013 ⏰

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