CHAPTER 27 - What Happened?

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"LOUIS!" I exclaimed, running across the bus and jumping on my boyfriend. My legs were wrapped around his waist and my arms were around his neck. But he didn't respond. He had a blank look. No smile, no shimmer in his eyes - nothing. He didn't even hug me back.

"Hi," he mumbled. My smile faded away as I stared at him with hurt and disbelief. "Hi? That's it?" I scoffed. A lump ran down his throat, his adam's apple bobbing. I climbed off of him and stood in front of his tall frame, looking up at his face. He looked down at me with cold eyes.

I could feel everybody on the tourbus watching us, watching our little scene. They had all silenced with their greetings and conversations, making the air more tense than it should've been.

He tried walking around me but I blocked him from doing so. I crossed my arms over my chest. "Louis, what's wrong?" I asked, quietly. He licked his lower lip and stared me right in the eye. "Nothing, now move," he ordered, but I stayed put.

"No, not until you tell me what's wrong," I protested. He inhaled deeply, trying to calm himself, I suppose. But he merely shook his head and pushed past me. He went straight to the bunk room and closed the door behind him.

I spun around to face all of the other boys. "Don't worry about Louis, he just needs some space right now," Zayn said. And though it was a statement that should've been considered reassuring, it didn't seem like it to me. Something in Zayn's tone told me he knew a lot more than I did, and whatever it was, wasn't good.

"Why? What's wrong? Did I do something?" I questioned, tears gathering in my eyes. It's not like I could help it, my boyfriend just completely ignored me after a week of not seeing each other. He didn't even seem the slightest bit happy or excited.

"No, love, you didn't do anything. He just needs some time to think, that's all," Zayn said, in a comforting tone.

To think? Think about what? Our relationship? His future? His life? His career? The possibilities were endless, and for all I knew, he could be thinking about what he wanted to eat for dinner tonight... Though that was highly unlikely.

The rest of the boys just stared at me sympathetically. But they all also appeared as confused as I was, all except Zayn. He seemed to be the one "in the know" this time. The tears were getting harder to hold in, so I rushed right past them all and I left the bus.

Nobody called my name or tried to stop me, they thought I too, needed some time alone. But that's the thing - I didn't want to feel alone. I wanted a friend, a shoulder to cry on. One that would comfort me and reassure me everything would be okay. I just didn't want to stay in a room where everybody was staring at me with pitiful thoughts.

I hate pity.

The sun was just setting, making the skies a light pink-ish, orange-ish color. Clouds were nearly bare here in Houston, Texas. The air was warm but not humid, and there was a light breeze blowing through. It was just enough to made the ends of my hair push past me.

I sat down with my back against the bus and my bum on the pavement. We were currently parked in a trailer park. The bus was driven here a couple days ago so we could fly straight to Texas instead of needing to go back to New Jersey.

I hugged my knees to my chest and let the tears roll out of my eyes slowly, one by one. This was a great start to the second half of our tour.. Note the sarcasm.

The sound of the bus door opening and clicking shut made my head snap in it's direction. I thought it was going to be Harry or Niall, seeing as I was the closest to them, but then I quickly remembered it could also be Zayn, who seemed to know the most about Louis at the moment.

But when I saw his face, I soon realized all of my predictions were wrong. He didn't say anything, just sat down beside me and stared off into the distance. It's not like we had a great view or anything, I mean, we were in a trailer park. But I suppose the sunset was quite pretty.

"What're you doing here?" I asked. Not in a harsh tone or a mean way, but in a curious way. "Don't want me here?" he asked. Whether he was joking or not, I couldn't decipher. "No, I didn't mean it like that-" "I know, Reese. I'm just messing with you," he chuckled, cutting me off. I smiled shyly in response.

"But back on track here... I thought you'd want to talk," he said, biting down on his lower lip. I grinned a little, looking up at him and looking into his eyes. "I do, actually. I just want some answers," I breathed.

"Then I'll try my best to answer your questions. Shoot," he shrugged. I smiled gratefully at the dark-haired boy. "Okay, well first... Why is Louis so upset? Is he upset with.. Me?" I asked, quietly. He breathed deeply.

"I honestly don't know what's up with him, or why he's so upset. But I'm not going to lie to you or sugarcoat anything... It does involve you," he answered, cautiously. So I am a part of it?

"But two days ago, at Harry's birthday party... He was perfectly fine," I stammered. He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. His eyes flickered to the ground for a second, then they were back on me.

"Maybe it's best if you ask Zayn about it. I'm as confused as you are, Reese. But all I'm going to say is that you shouldn't be worried. Louis isn't mad at you, that's for sure. But he's being a real jackass at the moment, and you don't deserve that. So come inside and have some fun - take your mind off of him for a while. I'm here for you if you ever need to talk," Josh said, adding a small curve of the lips at the end.

Without any warning, I wrapped my arms around his neck. He seemed a bit surprised at first, but hesitantly hugged back. "Thank you, Josh," I mumbled into his body. "It's no problem, really. I mean, what are friends for?" he replied.


A/N: YAAAAY, I UPDATED. No, I didn't make a birthday chapter for Harry like I planned on, and I'm sorry :( but I really can't believe he's 19, like wtf?

Also, I can't believe Liam, Louis AND Zayn didn't go to Harry's party. Only Niall did. That's fucked up. Liam and Louis were at Andy's birthday party, and I suppose I understand why Liam went, but Louis? Wow. Zayn was supposedly with Perrie.

So what do you think is up with Louis? And did any of you guess that it was Josh that she was talking to? I realized that Josh didn't get many "moments" so I made it him that she was talking to :)

15+ likes for next chapter. Love you all and thank you for reading <3

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