CHAPTER 13 - Flashback

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(A/N: This entire chappie is a flashback, okay? okay. enjoy x)

One Year Ago (When Reese Still Lived With Her Parents)


"When will I see you again?" I asked, weakly. "Soon, Reese. I promise," my brother replied. Even though we fight, tease each other, taunt each other, and annoy the hell out of each other sometimes, we love and care for each other, and have a brother-sister bond that's unbreakable.

"When is soon, Harry? You're going to London for crying out loud! I mean, I'm happy for you, and I'm so, so proud of you that you made it this far, but I-" I started to exclaim, but he cut me off. "Reese, shh. It'll be okay. It's not like I'm dying, or in America. I'm still in England and I'll fly in every chance I get," he reassured me.

I smiled a little as he wiped away the tears that spilt from my eyes, then wiped away his own. "Goodbye, Reese," he mumbled. "Bye, Haz," I muttered, as we hugged for the last time. We pulled apart after what seemed like forever, and he kissed the top of my head, then grabbed his luggage and went. Into the car. With Mum and Dad. To the Airport. I wasn't allowed to go because there wasn't enough space, since all of Haz's luggage took up the space. There was barely enough room for him in there.

I waved as they drove down the street and I wondered if he even saw me. My sadness turned into anger, and I furiously slammed the front door shut. But then, the anger turned back to sadness, and I collapsed on the floor, and curled up into a ball. Darn my crazy girl hormones.

I heard a buzzing noise, and I felt a small vibration against my leg. Excitement flooded me, thinking it was Harry.

Quickly, I pulled my phone out from my pocket. A wave of disappointment flooded me as I saw the screen name was Lucas, my boyfriend. It's not that I don't like him, because I do, a lot, but I just was hoping for it to be my brother.

Sounds strange, huh? Most brothers and sisters argue and would be happy as hell to have one leave their home. But Harry and I are different, and I wouldn't want it any other way.

From: Lucas <3 To: Reese<3

Hey babe. How's it going? Wanna come over today? Parents are out of town and my brother is at a friend's. We can watch a movie? :) xx love you

I grinned a little to myself. Maybe this is what I need... To go visit my lovely boyfriend and get my mind off things. Quickly, I typed my reply.

From: Reese<3 To: Lucas <3

Hey babe. Sure :) be there in twenty-ish. love you too xx

I rushed to get dressed and applied a minimal amount of makeup on my face. Then I walked the five-minute walk to Lucas' house.


I held back a moan as Lucas kissed down my neck, sucking on all my weak spots. Some of these will probably leave lovebites, but nothing concealer or foundation can't fix. Plus, Harry's out of town, meaning he won't be able to murder Lucas.

Then, he moved back up to my lips and kissed me passionately. His hands travelled around my back and mine went through his hair. I felt him grab hold of the hem of my shirt and I tensed.

"Only if you're ready, because no matter what, I love you," he whispered. Am I ready? I think I am. I think so.

"Ready," I gulped. "Okay, I just don't want you to end up regretting it later," he mumbled, and pulled off my shirt. His was a button-up shirt so I undid the buttons and he threw his shirt off as well. Then his hands went to my jean's zipper and reality hit me.

I'm losing my virginity.


After we did... it, we decided to lay down and watch a movie in his room. We both had put our undergarments back on, but left the shirts and bottoms off.

I was cuddled into his side as we watched Dear John on his flat screen. Suddenly, his bed room door flew open!

What if it's his parents?! was the first thing that popped into my mind.

His face flashed with alarm. The intruder then stepped inside for us to see them.

It was a girl... a teenage girl.

"LU-LUCAS?!" she choked out, tears welling up in her eyes. "IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!" he quickly exclaimed, jumping out of the bed, making me fall down onto the mattress.

"HOW COULD YOU, LUCAS? HOW COULD YOU?! she shrieked, the tears now flowing like a waterfall.

I felt tears gather up in mine too. It wasn't hard to figure out what was going on.

"I...I..." he stammered. "Don't bother, Lucas! WE'RE OVER!" she shouted, and stormed out of the room.

He spun back around with a guilty look on his face as he slowly approached me. "Reese, it wasn't what i-" "SAVE IT, LUCAS. HOW COULD YOU?! WE. ARE, FUCKING. FINISHED. YOU NO GOOD, BASTARD!" I screamed.

I picked up my clothes and quickly put them back on. He frantically kept repeating my name and things like "please hear me out" or "don't leave me!".

"Goodbye, Lucas. I never want to see you again!" I spat, and stormed out.


A/N: So remember, that's just a flashback. It also gives you a better idea of Reese's past before she moved in with the boys.

Remember, they all still think Reese lost her virginity when she got raped. None of them know about Lucas.

Dedicated to @snowy81952 because she got the QOTD right first.. it was Set This World On Fire by the Janoskians! :D

QOTD: Say somethin', if you're feeling the vibe!

HINT: it's from a song :D

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