CHAPTER 20 - "Direction Shore"

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~ Three Days Later ~


Wow. It's been three days since I got in a fight with Louis, four days since I got in a fight with Harry, and three days since I took those weird drugs from Taylor's washroom. We aren't in LA anymore, we're in New Jersey.

It's exciting actually. Everything just seems so much more wild here. Girls can walk around dressed like prostitutes without getting called sluts and guys are going around without tops, which, benefits the girls.

I swear, as we were driving to our hotel, we passed by Snooki off Jersey Shore. She had that poof in her jet black hair, piles of makeup on her face, cheeta print short shorts and a black crop top, paired with inch high stilettos.

Louis, Harry, and I have made up. I'm so glad, too. I don't think I'd be able to stand another day without them. Niall had told me that they were really worried that day I went psycho. Of course, I hadn't told any of them about the pills, or who knows what they would do.

When they questioned me about why I was acting so strange, I played dumb and acted like I had no clue. They believed me, being the gullible idiots that they are.

Cher was flying in today. She had a one week break before her next concert, which was in Colorado. The boys had a gig tonight. I don't think it starts until about eight, meaning they need to be there by seven for soundcheck.

Harry was devastated to leave his short-term girlfriend, Sarah. I suggested that he invited her along, but management wouldn't stand for it. Plus, he says they aren't in "that stage" of their relationship yet.

Josh still hasn't asked out Taylor, and he denies his feelings about her whenever asked about it. Maybe I'm wrong - which I doubt I am - and he might be telling the truth when he says that they're "just friends". But Taylor sure doesn't feel that way. She was praying that he'd ask her out on a date - even if it was as simple as going for some tea or coffee at Starbucks - but he never did.

Zayn went with Niall to go pick up Cher from the nearest airport. Harry, Louis and Josh were down by the beach, probably getting mobbed by fans by now. Probably attracting a lot of female attention as well. Unfortunately for those American girls, they were both off the market.

That left me with Liam.

We aren't staying in a hotel while we're in New Jersey. We're staying in the tour bus... The stinky, humid, crowded, messy tourbus. The one that we all adored at first, considering it was a London big red bus with a design painted on it for the boys, but soon grew to get sick of because of all the time we spent in here. The beds were stiff as boards and it got way too warm in here because of all the bodies.

I shut the lid of my MacBook and slipped it into it's case, then tossed it gently onto my bunk. I heaved a sigh, swinging my legs over the edge of the bed and quickly climbing down the short ladder to reach the floor.

I wonder what Liam's doing right now.

"Liam?" I called out. No reply. "LIAM?" I repeated, a bit louder this time. "LIIIAMMMM!" I hollered, really loudly. "YEAH?" I heard him call out from somewhere. I didn't say anything but just follow the direction of where the sound came from. I reached the little den of the bus and saw him sprawled out across te couch with a sad look on his face.

"Liam? What's wrong?" I asked, worriedly. He wasn't even doing anything. Didn't even have his phone in his hands. He was just staring blankly at the walls. "I... I was just on twitter and... I saw that Danielle has a date tonight," he stammered, his bottom lip quivering.

I frowned, truly feeling bad for the poor boy. The break up was definitely hard on him, and I can't blame him. They've been dating for so long, and she was his first true love. He tells the press that the split was mutual but in all honesty, it was more her than him.

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