CHAPTER 5 - Secretive, much?

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A/N: Warning, this chappie is drama-ful! ;) xx


I woke up early the next morning so I could talk to Cher, alone, without getting questioned about it.

I detangled myself from Reese and threw on a hoodie over my bare torso. I sleep with no shirt on, but she doesn't mind it.

I put on some blue TOMS and snuck over to Niall and Cher's suite, careful not to wake my girl up. I quietly opened their door, wincing as it made a slight creak.

I tip-toed over to the double-bed they shared. They both looked so peaceful together.

I shook Cher's shoulder slightly. She stirred in her sleep. "Cher, wake up," I whispered. She popped one eye open. "Louis?" she asked, groggily. "Shh, we can't wake up Nialler. Just come, I need to talk to you," I hushed. She raised an eyebrow but agreed. She unwrapped herself from the irish boy's body and slipped her feet into some fuzzy slippers.

I lead her out of the suite so we were in the hallway.

"Any particular reason you needed to talk to me at..." she pulled out her iPhone to check the time. "-8:30 in the morning?" she chuckled, sleepily.

"Yes, I needed to talk to you without anybody else getting suspicious," I replied, flatly.

She quirked an eyebrow. "Why? What's up, Lou?" she asked, worried.

I took a deep breath. "You need to tell Niall," I said. She looked clueless. "Tell him about what?" she asked. I widened my eyes. Did she seriously forget?!

"About you and Ed," I said, through gritted teeth. Her eyes widened. "How did you know about me and Ed?" she hissed, quieting her voice. I made an unimpressed face. "Don't remember me walking in on you two kissing, babe?" I asked.

She sighed in relief. "Oh, right! That's what you meant!" she giggled. Something didn't sound right about th- OH, SHIT!

"Wait, are you seeing Ed?!" I gasped. Her jaw dropped. "No! No, Louis, no!" she insisted. I sighed in relief.

"Then, what did you mean by 'how did you know about me and Ed'?" I accused. She gulped, biting her bottom lip. "Promise me you won't tell a soul," she said, seriously.

"I won't, but you need to tell Niall for yourself. I'll give you until the end of your visit to tell him, or else I will," I snapped.

She inhaled deeply. "Ed and I slept together."

???'s POV:

Perfect. Perfect.

I edited the last bit of the video. Now, I just save it and...


Remember that camera I found that was still recording? (Reference to Chapter 2 - Sabotage)

Well, I watched the video.

It started off as Reese pranking blondie but then it turned into them kissing!! Well, blondie kissing her, but still!

I edited it, so it seemed like she was willing to kiss him.


"I've tried. She always changes the subject. Reese... what if she's hiding something from me?" he stammered. She sighed. "Nialler, I really don't know what to tell you. All I can say is hope for the best, because Niall, you deserve the best. You're an amazing guy and if Cher can't see that, somebody else will," she reassured him.


I cut it so that all she says is "You're an amazing guy and if Cher can't see that, somebody else will."

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